Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Corsair ha annunciato una nuova gamma di DIMM DDR3 Dominator progettate per ottimizzare le performance dei sistemi basati sui processori Intel Core i5 e Core i7.
Le nuove memorie, che si fanno notare per la dotazione della tecnologia di cooling Corsair DHX+ ed in particolare per l'equipaggiamento del dissipatore con le alette in blue, sono disponibili in due differenti kit per l'implementazione di configurazioni dual channel da 8GB e triple channel da 12GB.
Il kit da 8GB è siglato CMD8GX3M4A1600C8, include quattro moduli da 2GB ed è ottimizzato per le motherboard con chipset Intel P55 mentre quello siglato CMD12GX3M6A1600C8 ha una capacità complessiva di 12GB poichè contiene sei moduli da 2GB ed è indirizzato alle mobo Intel X58-based.
La frequenza operativa predefinita dei moduli è pari a 1600MHz mentre il profilo di default in termini di timing è pari a 8-8-8-24
Il produttore non ha ufficializzato il prezzo delle nuove Dominator.

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Corsair, a worldwide leader in high-performance computer memory, power supplies and flash memory products, including solid-state drives, today announced a new set of high density products for Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors. These DIMMs are available in dual and triple channel configurations and are specifically tuned for Intel CPUs.
The 8GB and 12GB module kits feature Corsair’s DHX+ cooling technology, and sport new American Racing Blue fins and highlights. The dual channel configuration, part number CMD8GX3M4A1600C8, consists of four matched 2GB modules, optimized for P55 motherboards. The triple channel configuration, part number CMD12GX3M6A1600C8, consists of six matched 2GB modules, and is optimized for X58 motherboards. Both sets of modules have XMP profiles set at 1600MHz, with CAS latency settings of 8-8-8-24. An Airflow fan with matching blue highlights is included with both the dual and triple channel configurations.
"Windows 7 early adopters and other power users have recently been demanding 8GB and 12GB performance memory solutions to optimize their computing experience," stated John Beekley, Vice President of Technical Marketing at Corsair. "These 8GB and 12GB configurations will allow these advanced users to get the most out of their high performance rigs, particularly if they often switch between demanding tasks like gaming and video production."
Corsair has recently produced a whitepaper detailing some of the performance gains that can be realized with memory configurations of 8GB and larger. You can find the results of this study here. The study demonstrated that the higher density memory took excellent advantage of the improved memory handling in Windows 7, and resulted in substantial performance gains in system startup, shutdown, context switching, and game loading.
News Source: Corsair Press Release Links