Accenture e Avanade hanno vinto il premio "Enterprise Alliance Partner of the Year" assegnato da Microsoft per il 2009. Le due aziende sono state selezionate dal colosso di Redmond che ha preso in esame i principali partner internazionali in grado di fornire le migliori soluzioni sul mercato basate sulle tecnologie MS.
E' la quinta volta che Accenture e Avanade sono premiate insieme, superando tutti gli altri partner all’interno della Microsoft Enterprise Alliance. Le
due società, infatti, hanno già ricevuto lo stesso premio nel 2008, nel 2006, nel 2004 e nel 2001.
Accenture e Avanade hanno reso noto di essere anche finaliste per la vittoria di altri due premi: l'"Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, Systems Management Partner of the Year" e l'"Information Worker Solutions, Portals and Collaboration Partner of the Year".
In accordo a Scott Harrison, Global Lead di Accenture, la sua organizzazione "sta focalizzando l'attenzione sul supporto delle azionde al fine di permettere ad esse il conseguimento di alte prestazioni facendo leva sulle tecnologie Microsoft. E inoltre "il premio Enterprise Alliance Partner of the Year 2009 evidenzia il successo della partnership che lega Accenture, Avanade e Microsoft"; infine, Accenture è "onorata per il riconoscimento ed è pronta a continuare sulla strada intrapresa".

NEW YORK, NY - (Marketwire - June 24, 2009) - Accenture (NYSE: ACN) and Avanade have been named the 2009 Enterprise Alliance Partner of the Year by Microsoft,
as well as recognized as finalists for the Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, Systems Management Partner of the Year Award and the Information Worker
Solutions, Portals and Collaboration Partner of the Year Award. In each case, Accenture and Avanade were selected from among an international network of
leading companies that deliver solutions built on the Microsoft platform.
It is the fifth time -- and second consecutive year -- that Accenture and Avanade, a business technology service provider majority owned by Accenture, have
jointly won the Partner of the Year Award, more than any other Microsoft Enterprise Alliance Partner.
Accenture and Avanade were selected as leading partners across Microsoft's 13 major geographic regions, a result of each region's enterprise team ranking
them among the top five Microsoft partners. Accenture and Avanade differentiated themselves by:
- Working closely with Microsoft's subsidiaries to create and deliver
joint solutions in areas including collaboration, customer relationship
management (CRM), business intelligence and custom solutions built on
Microsoft .NET.
- Developing a collection of assets and solutions that allow
organizations to get the most from their Microsoft investments.
- Leveraging over 41,500 Microsoft resources around the world -- the
largest number of skilled resources of any IT services firm.
- Delivering superior business results for more than 1,600 clients,
leveraging more than 110 industry-specific solutions created on the
Microsoft platform.
"Accenture and Avanade were selected again as our Enterprise Alliance Partner of the Year because of their shared commitment and successes at helping
companies realize results across the enterprise," said Simon Witts, Corporate Vice President Enterprise and Partner Group Microsoft. "The solutions built by
Accenture and Avanade have provided organizations with the tools necessary to increase revenue, reduce costs and grow their businesses -- which is
particularly invaluable in the current economic climate."
In addition, Accenture and Avanade were also recognized as finalists in two other categories for their solutions and services in systems management and
Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, Systems Management Partner of the Year
For this category, the companies were recognized as finalists for their next-generation data center solution, a dynamic infrastructure solution based on the
Microsoft platform that optimizes data-center operations. The next-generation data center solution offers innovative tools, methodologies and accelerators
that extend the capabilities of Microsoft data center solutions and speed time to deployment and implementation.
Information Worker Solutions, Portals and Collaboration Partner of the Year
This acknowledgement as a finalist was given for Accenture and Avanade's next-generation workplace solution, which supports a virtual workplace where
geographically distributed employees, customers and partners can collaborate quickly and easily. By creating a blueprint to facilitate a business environment
that is grounded in collaboration and communications, forward-looking organizations that implement a next generation workplace can improve their
productivity, efficiency and operational costs.
"Accenture is focused on helping organizations achieve high performance leveraging Microsoft technologies," said Scott Harrison, Accenture's Global Lead,
Microsoft Alliance "This recognition bears evidence to the successful partnership of Accenture, Avanade and Microsoft. We are honored to once again be
acknowledged and we look forward to continuing to provide our clients with superior Microsoft-based enterprise solutions."
Adam Warby, Avanade CEO, said, "Our alliance with Microsoft and Accenture is unmatched in the depth and breadth of our combined capabilities to deliver
innovation solutions for our clients. We are thrilled that Microsoft recognizes our shared commitment to pioneering business solutions for the enterprise and
organizations around the world."
News Source: Accenture & Avanade Press Release Links