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Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3: A Technical Comparison

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25.05.2005 - Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3: A Technical Comparison
It's the battle of the ages, played out with a new generation of hardware that, for the first time, appears to leave even high-end gaming PCs in the dust. Opinions about Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3 vary, but it's pretty clear that both devices are going to kick ass.

Looking over the specifications, and listening to representatives of both companies, however, Paul Thurrott's SuperSite has pubblished a technical comparison about these products with a lot of tables. This is the Graphics Processor table:

Graphics processor
Feature Xbox 360 PlayStation 3
GPU Type ATI-based NVIDIA-based RSX
Clock speed 500 MHz 550 MHz
Video RAM Up to 512 MB GDDR3 system RAM (700 MHz) plus 10 MB embedded DRAM frame buffer 256MB GDDR3 (700MHz)
Total floating point performance 1 teraflop (claimed, likely spurious) 1.8 teraflops (claimed, likely spurious)


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