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Superata la soglia del miliardo di motherboard per cpu Intel

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01.06.2009 - Superata la soglia del miliardo di motherboard per cpu Intel

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Intel ha reso noto che i produttori di motherboard taiwanensi hanno superato la soglia del miliardo di motherboard per processori Intel commercializzate. Il chip maker statunitense si congratula da un lato con l'industria di Taiwan per il conseguimento dello storico traguardo e dall'altro esalta il settore del PC desktop, vivo come non mai e pronto a fornire tutta la potenza richiesta sia in termini di capacità di calcolo che di storage.

Intel ha poi dato appuntamento al Computex, dove spiegherà "come faranno i board maker taiwanensi a raggiungere il prossimo traguardo", ovvero un altro miliardo di motherboard per cpu Intel immesse nel mercato dei desktop.

COMPUTEX, TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 1, 2009 – Taiwan motherboard manufacturers have surpassed an important technology milestone, shipping more than 1 billion Intel processor-based desktop PC motherboards.

"Intel congratulates the Taiwan tech industry on reaching this historic milestone," said Sean Maloney, Intel Corporation executive vice president and chief sales and marketing officer. "This milestone is another signal that the desktop PC is not dead and that computer users continue to crave the processing power, graphics and storage capabilities that desktop PCs provide."

During his Computex keynote speech at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Maloney will elaborate on this historic milestone and how Taiwan's technology industry has become the "innovation hub" for the global IT industry. He'll also challenge Taiwan's tech industry to take advantage of four emerging technology transitions to create demand for the next billion desktop PCs. The keynote will be in the 3F Plenary Hall of the Taipei International Convention Center.

More information about Intel news at Computex is available at www.intel.com/pressroom/kits/events/computex2009.

News Source: Intel Press Release

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