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Release date and latest screenshots of the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC Ascendance

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22.03.2015 - Release date and latest screenshots of the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC Ascendance

Activision has unveiled the release date of Ascendance, the second and upcoming DLC pack of its first-person shooter Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, well-known game developed by Sledgehammer Games using a proprietary graphics engine for a wide range of gaming platforms.

And so the new Ascendance DLC is set to be available for all the users of Microsoft consoles Xbox One and Xbox 360 on March 31th; while, as often it happens with the Call of Duty related products, the expansion will be accessible for the other supported platforms, and so for the Microsoft Windows based PCs and the Sony PlayStation 4 and 3 consoles, with a some delay (we estimate a month or thereabouts).

The new Ascendance DLC will include four new maps named Perplex, Site 244, Climate, and Chop Shop as well as a new episode, entitled Infected, of the Exo Zombies mode. Furthermore, Activision has promised that Ascendance will add also new zombies and new Bonus weapons (these ones are already available to the Season Pass owners).

You can pre-order the DLC on the Xbox Live store where the Ascendance's price is $15. But, of course, you can buy the Advanced Warfare's Season Pass that brings to you all the four DLCs planned for this FPS with a $49.99 total price.

Now you can see the latest official screenshots of the new maps featured by the Ascendance DLC.

Perplex Map

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Site 244 Map

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Climate Map

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Chop Shop Map

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