A Londra, nel corso dell'evento Bett 2014, Intel ha annunciato ufficialmente le sue nuove soluzioni hardware dedicate agli studenti, mostrando le implementazioni reference dell'Education
Tablet, da un lato, e del Classmate PC, dall'altro.
Entrambi i sistemi, che peraltro sono visualizzabili attraverso le foto ufficiali che vi presentiamo di seguito, vanno inquadrati nell'ambito del progetto Intel Education Solutions,
attraverso il quale il noto chip maker statunitense punta a offire soluzioni, intese non soltanto sistemi hardware, ma anche come software e servizi, in grado di favorire sia l'apprendimento che
Il nuovo Intel Education Tablet, che implementa il form factor da 10-inch, è basato su un processore dual-core Atom Z2520 che lavora a 1.2GHz e supporta la tecnologia Hyper-Threading, e su un chip
grafico della linea Graphics Media Accelerator, che promette sia l'accelerazione hardware dei contenuti in Full HD che le operazioni di codifica e decodifica a 30fps.
Tra le altre feature del nuovo Education Tablet citiamo la dotazione di una camera anteriore e una posteriore, di una stilo e il supporto, opzionale, delle reti 3G, oltre all'equipaggiamento con
il Sistema Operativo Android 4.2 di Google. Intel promette inoltre una durata media della carica della batteria pari a ben 12 ore.
Il nuovo Classmate PC di Intel è configurato invece con il processore Celeron N2806 ed è equipaggiato con il Sistema Operativo Microsoft Windows 8.1. Il suo display, da 10-inch, può offrire, su
richiesta, anche funzionalità touch-screen. Nel corso dell'anno corrente Intel ha inoltre preannunciato il lancio di due ulteriori varianti, basate sulla cpu Celeron N2806 ed equipaggiate
rispettivamente con Windows 7 e Linux.
Sia l'Education Tablet che il Classmate PC sono dotati di una sonda, collegabile al connettore audio, attraverso la quale gli studenti possono misurare la temperatura. Promettono inoltre buone
doti di impermeabilità e resistenza agli urti.
Intel Education Tablet

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]
Intel Classmate PC

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Intel Corporation unveiled innovative education-focused reference devices for the 21st century interactive learning environment today at Bett 2014. The new Intel Education Tablet and the Intel
classmate PC are part of Intel Education Solutions, which includes devices, software, content, services and teacher professional development that work together to transform learning and teaching
for student success.
Both the Intel Education Tablet and the classmate PC are student-friendly, rugged designs that can withstand dropping off a desk (from 70 cm)1 and provide water-resistance and dust-resistance to
promote anytime, anywhere learning.
"Education leaders everywhere are passionate about driving student achievement and encouraging lifelong learning," said John Galvin, vice president of the Sales and Marketing Group at Intel and
general manager of the World Ahead Program. "At Intel, we believe the right technology can be transformative. That's why we are focused on designing tools that bring learning to life, helping to
make students more engaged. The result is a future where people have the skills they need for opportunity and growth."
The Intel Education Tablet runs on Android* 4.2 and has kid-friendly features such as rubber bumpers on the sides making it easier for small hands to hold, a power button that resists accidental
pushes and a stylus with a realistic pen-like grip. Powered by a dual-core Intel Atom processor Z2520, the 10-inch tablet has front- and rear-facing cameras and optional 3G support, and provides
an average 12 hours of battery life2 to keep up with student learning all through the day.
The Intel Atom processor Z2520 clocks in at 1.2GHz and supports Intel Hyper-Threading Technology3, allowing four simultaneous application threads that further enhances the overall efficiency of
the Atom cores. The integrated platform also includes an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator engine with a graphics core supporting rich 3-D visuals, life-like gaming and smooth, full 1080p
hardware-accelerated video encode and decode at 30 frames-per-second, all useful in a 21st century learning environment.
The 10-inch Intel classmate PC is based on the Intel Celeron processor N2806 and runs Windows* 8.1. A Windows* 7 version and a Linux* version based on Intel Celeron processor N2805 will be
introduced later this year. The touch screen-optional device features a rotatable camera to promote content creation.
The HP* Classmate Notebook PC is the first global commercial product based on the new classmate PC reference design and is expected to be available this month in the Americas, Europe, Middle East
and Africa, and later this spring in the Asia-Pacific region.
"The HP Classmate Notebook helps deliver access to instructional tools, learning apps and education content to students and teachers around the world," said Gus Schmedlen, vice president, PPS
Education, HP. "Combined with professional development and HP's national education technology planning resources, the HP Classmate can help drive meaningful learning, social and economic
The new Intel Education Tablet and classmate PC are designed with features such as a snap-on magnification tool and a temperature sensor probe that plugs into the device's audio jack. These
features allow students to view microscopic and macroscopic images and measure and analyze environmental data, bringing science to life and giving students the freedom to explore scientific
concepts anywhere, not just in the science lab.
Intel Education Solutions for the Classroom
The new Intel Education Tablet and classmate PC are powerful learning tools that are part of the flexible, holistic Intel Education Solutions, including a range of devices from tablets to laptops
to 2 in 1s, software, content, services and professional development for teachers to help engage students in learning and enhance student achievement. The Intel Education Software suite includes
applications to engage students with tools that encourage inquiry across the curriculum and promote deeper engagement with content such as the Kno* app (now part of Intel Education), which offers
students and teachers access to a global digital content library of more than 225,000 educational titles.
Intel believes technology can empower educators, leaders and school technology professionals to better prepare students for a lifetime of success. Based on more than a decade of real-world
collaboration, implementation and research, Intel Education Solutions are designed to help educators inspire students, to support schools in achieving educational excellence, and to enable better
manageability by administrators. Intel's proven education solutions have helped more than 10 million teachers improve education for hundreds of millions of students in 100 countries.
Intel's full suite of education solutions are on display in Intel's stand at Bett 2014 (B358). The stand features a virtual classroom where real teachers will be teaching real class lessons based
on Intel curricula.
News Source: Intel Press Release Links