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Release Notes | Xion Audio Player 1.0.115 beta

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In this page we post the official release notes and changelogs related to Xion Audio Player 1.0.115 beta, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on Xion Audio Player 1.0.115 beta, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.

Xion Audio Player 1.0.115 beta
  • Added more error messages when skins couldn't be read due to non applied masks as well as incorrect colour modes
  • Modified loading to reload last skin if new skin couldn't be loaded
  • Fixed a crash when right clicking on plugins
  • Fixed an Indicator 'NOT' logic bug that was causing indicator layers marked with 'NOT' to not show themselves correctly - Thanks Alexandra
  • Updated the ConfigWindow with some more commands for receiving Text from EditControls
  • Disabled the About plugin menu item if the plugin is disabled
  • Fixed the Spectrum analyser not rendering correctly on small visualisation layers - Thanks xonenine
  • Fixed the Equalizer not working for Radio Streams - Thanks dolnagad
  • Fixed the click and drag of unselected items in the Playlist so that it now correctly selects them - Thanks djinn2
  • Changed the visibility of the visualisation layer so that it can be controlled by the skin author
  • Fixed the Library so that it can be cleanly shutdown when an uninstall is executed. This fixes the freeze in the Uninstaller - Thanks leledumbo and Garrett
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a button, dragging the mouse outside of the window and then back onto the button caused a flickering effect
  • Fixed the mouse over for a button not hiding when you moved over a transparent part of the skin
  • Modified the Skin Thumbnail generator so that it uses some default states such as Playing and some default Text, in order to generate skin thumbnails that look better
  • Added slow blending of colours when changing colours in the DefaultVisualisation plugin
  • Added support for APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PLAY and APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PAUSE instead of just APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE. This should allow other keyboards to work as well
  • Added support for APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD and APPCOMMAND_MEDIA_REWIND so that keyboards with Fast Forward and Rewind should work
  • Added fix in case default playlist couldn't be found
  • Added a Compressor to the Equalizer in order to reduce distortion at the extents of the Equalizer. Equalizer now has a much better sound
  • Tweaked the Equalizer center frequencies to remove any overlaps
  • Added support to ap() and pp() to allow you to escape characters such as ( and ). Now you can do things such as " track pp(\() ap(\)) " which will surround the track in ( and )
  • Modified the Uninstall process to also remove the User settings directory
  • Added a prompt to the Uninstall process, before removing all Skins, Plugins, Preferences, etc
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