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Release Notes | Alchemy Eye 9.7.2

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In this page we post the official release notes and changelogs related to Alchemy Eye 9.7.2, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on Alchemy Eye 9.7.2, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.

Alchemy Eye 9.7.2

The first version of our network monitoring tool was released in Dec'1999, and since that time we release new versions of the program every month. Once you become a customer all new releases and technical support are free forever! There never is a charge for maintenance!

October, 2008. Version 9.6

  • Added: WMI (WQL) monitoring
  • Fixed: The program did not checkmark child items when the user put check mark on a folder in the Monitor Selection Dialog of the Object Properties Dialog of the Network Map

September, 2008. Version 9.5

  • Added: The Server Manager application
  • Improved: The Import function now supports Maintenance and Intermediate Server options
  • Fixed: The Network Map portion of the program did not drag&drop multiple items at one time
  • Fixed: The File Existence monitoring always showed the monitor is UP if the file contents checking was enabled

August, 2008. Version 9.4

  • Improved: The client module now changes the tray icon when it loses connect to the server
  • Improved: Program preferences are now separated into Server and Client branches
  • Fixed: The network map did not show the status of the network group elements
  • Fixed: Adding a scheduled report in the program's Preferences Dialog did not always work correctly if the Server and Client components worked on different PCs

July, 2008. Version 9.3

  • Added: Separated front end and back end
  • Fixed: The program crashed if the network map was linked to an absent background .BMP file

June, 2008. Version 9.2

  • Added: AOL Instant Messenger alerts
  • Fixed: ICQ alerts now support international characters
  • Fixed: The Server Module did not show network map thru the web interface when running under Windows 2003 operating system
  • Fixed: The File Existence monitoring type always showed the UP state if the user specified that the monitor is down if the file does not exist

April, 2008. Version 9.1

  • Added: PostgreSQL monitoring
  • Added: "NET SEND" function now works even under Windows Vista
  • Fixed: National characters problem fixed in the "NET SEND" function
  • Fixed: Only the first-level folder tree items appeared in the Intermediate Server combo
  • Fixed: Server macros did not work for the external application execution as a result of the server event

February, 2008. Version 9.0

  • Added: Windows Vista support
  • Added: The program is now separated into the Client and Server modules
  • Improved: Help system changed to HTMLHelp

December, 2007. Version 8.9.5

  • Added: Event escalation by email
  • Added: %PREV PERIOD LENGTH% and %PREV PERIOD LENGTH STR% macros in alert templates
  • Added: Date picker window in the web interface reports

October, 2007. Version 8.9

  • Added: Log file name macros in the Text Log monitoring type
  • Improved: The Parent Server combo now suports XP styles
  • Improved: The Parent Server combo now suports XP styles
  • Fixed: The program did not launch HTTP alerts on the event log events
  • Fixed: Global macros did not work in the HTTP alerts
  • Fixed: The program now ignores invalid certificates when performing HTTPS monitoring

August, 2007. Version 8.8

  • Added: The program can now launch HTTP(s) URLs as a reaction for the server events
  • Added: The File Existence monitoring type now supports file name wildcards

May, 2007. Version 8.7

  • Added: File Compare monitoring type
  • Improved: The user can now drag&drop multiple items in the network map
  • Fixed: Telnet monitoring type freezed in some configurations
  • Fixed: The program crashed in certain situation when the user tried to access a certain network map group thru the web interface

February, 2007. Version 8.6

  • Added: Text log monitoring
  • Improved: The Event Log configuration dialog now allows you to select event source, event category, event ID from the list instead of typing this information using keyboard
  • Improved: VBScript, JScript, PerlScript and all SQL-related dialogs allow you to load the script text from a disk file

December, 2006. Version 8.5

  • Added: Registry monitoring
  • Added: %ALERT TIME% macro in the server alerts
  • Improved: The Add Server dialog in the network map element editor now contains server folders
  • Improved: The File Size monitoring types can now detect the size of the file opened by a different process in the exclusive mode
  • Fixed: The File Size monitoring type did not work with huge files
  • Fixed: MS Exchange monitoring could crash or display a dialog when trying to connect to Exchange Server

November, 2006. Version 8.4

  • Added: TCP Script monitoring type
  • Added: The user can now invoke the program to check all servers in a certain folder
  • Added: New server macros: %PREV STATE LENGTH% and %PREV STATE LENGTH STR%
  • Improved: The program now alerts the user if he/she tries to configure the database server monitor without having a client software installed
  • Fixed: Now program now does not send alerts if a server changes it's state when one of it's intermediate servers is down

October, 2006. Version 8.3

  • Added: Maintenance profiles
  • Improved: The Cancel button added in the "would you like to save changes" dialog when exiting the program
  • Fixed: The program does not request the user to save the changes twice when exiting the program
  • Fixed: The program crashed sometimes when the user attempted to enter a network map group thru the web interface

September, 2006. Version 8.2

  • Added: Microsoft Exchange monitoring
  • Added: You can now specify authentication information for the File Existence monitoring type
  • Added: Folders in the Parent Server Combobox in the Server Properties Dialog
  • Added: The user can now specify more than one intermediate server for the server record he/she selected

August, 2006. Version 8.1

  • Added: New check type: ActivePerl script
  • Added: New action type: ActivePerl script execution
  • Added: The program can now execute server checks and perform actions user a different user account (impersonation)

July, 2006. Version 8.0

  • Added: The Network Administrator can now restrict user web interface to certain folders
  • Added: Dead Servers and Live Servers views in the main program window
  • Improved: Live Server Count and Dead Server Count counters do not change when the server received the "being checked" state

May, 2006. Version 7.9

  • Added: Shapes, images, rectangles in the network map
  • Added: Installer now adds the "exception" to the Windows XP Firewall, allowing the program's built-in web server work properly
  • Improved: The user can now select a service from the list rather than type it in a combo box on the Server State Monitoring Page and the Restart Page of the Server Properties Dialog
  • Fixed: The program freezed during SMTP session under some conditions
  • Fixed: The program's built-in web server did not always show the contents of the web page to the user
  • Fixed: The program's built-in web server did not always show the web page pictures to the user

April, 2006. Version 7.8

  • Added: Network map in the web interface
  • Added: Folders in the web interface
  • Improved: Telnet monitoring improved (signal strings)

March, 2006. Version 7.7

  • Added: Global macros
  • Improved: The "Intermediate Server" combo box in the Server Properties Dialog did not have a horizontal scroll bar
  • Fixed: A server behaved incorrectly if it's intermediate server stopped responding and had the "server is down after X failed checks" set to something greater than 1
  • Fixed: SNMP Traps monitoring
  • Fixed: The program stopped sending email alerts if at least one incorrectly formed message was created in the current session of the program

February, 2006. Version 7.6

  • Added: MySQL Monitoring
  • Improved: Preferences dialog GUI
  • Fixed: Stability issues were fixed
  • Fixed: A folder did not become red if a server from that folder became unavailable in some cases

December, 2005. Version 7.5

  • Added: New server macros for alerts
  • Added: MIB import function for SNMP Traps monitoring type
  • Added: Watchdog application can now detect that the program hangs, and restart it in this case
  • Improved: MIB import routines for SNMP MIB monitoring type and Set SNMP Variable action
  • Improved: TCP/IP routines improved to better reflect to the user's actions
  • Improved: The program can now generate and send automatic reports including only certain server folders
  • Fixed: Telnet monitoring
  • Fixed: File Size monitoring
  • Fixed: In the ODBC logging feature, the date of the event if the server is of the NT Event Log monitoring type
  • Fixed: In the ODBC logging feature, the error text was not written to the specified field in the case of the NT Event Log monitoring

November, 01, 2005. Version 7.4

  • Added: MSN alerts
  • Added: HTTP proxy for ICQ alerts
  • Improved: The Preferences Dialog window is now opened on the requested page when the program automatically opens it from the Server Properties Dialog
  • Few controls were moved from the General to the new Advanced page in the Server Properties Dialog

Ocober, 07, 2005. Version 7.3

  • Added: Trace Route monitoring type
  • Added: The user can now specify certain server folder in the program reports
  • Added: The user can now select a computer in the File Size and Disk Space monitoring type dialogs
  • Improved: TTL and packet size parameters for the ICMP onitoring type
  • Fixed: The program did not show the window of the program it was launching as a result of a server state change if running as Windows NT service
  • Fixed: Memory leaks
  • Fixed: Few bugs were fixed in the built-in web server

September, 04, 2005. Version 7.2

  • Added: New action type: Set SNMP variable
  • Added: New monitoring type: File Size
  • Fixed: The program did not change the value of the "Intermediate Server" option for the servers when the user attempted to edit the server record in the dialog

August, 09, 2005. Version 7.1

  • Added: Server monitoring log in an ODBC database
  • Added: File|Merge menu item
  • Improved: Network Scanner GUI
  • Fixed: The program cleared the "Intermediate Server" field if editing more than one server at one time

July, 08, 2005. Version 7.0

  • Added: Network Scan menu item
  • Added: Ability to specify folder path in the export file
  • Fixed: The program did not add description of the event when sending alerts when the server check length exceeded the pre-defined value
  • Fixed: The program did not log email alerts activities in the log file
  • Fixed: 100% CPU load when performing some of the ICMP operations

May, 11, 2005. Version 6.9

  • Added: ICQ server alerts
  • Added: File/folder/share security permissions monitoring
  • Fixed: The user was able to create multiple folders with the same name in the same folder tree hierarchy

April, 04, 2005. Version 6.8

  • Added: Ability to load servers from an ODBC data source on the periodical basis
  • Fixed: A small bug is the HTTP monitoring type was fixed
  • Fixed: The program sent a notification for a server when the server state changed after it's parent (intermediate) server state changed
  • Fixed: Web interface allowed the users to view list of servers if the user specified only user name without specifying the password
  • Fixed: Text truncation on the Alert Templates page of the Server Properties Dialog
  • Fixed: The program did not add an icon to the system tray when launched minimized
  • Fixed: A small visualization bug was fixed in the network map window

March, 08, 2005. Version 6.7

  • Added: File Count monitoring type
  • Added: Watchdog application
  • Improved: The Scheduler option can now fire the pre-defined events on the regular basis (i.e. every X serconds)
  • Bug fixed: The program freezed when launching reports if working as NT service
  • Bug fixed: Icons distortion in the program's main menu

February, 08, 2005. Version 6.6

  • Improvement: Syntax hilighting in the SQL editor windows
  • Improvement: Syntax hilighting in the VBScript editor windows
  • Improvement: Syntax hilighting in the JavaScript editor windows
  • Improvement: The program now does not suggest the user to enter the name of the file being saving if it is not really necessary
  • Improvement: The program now displays the name of the user account in the Fle|Preferences|NTService dialog
  • Bug fixed: The program terminated when running in the Service mode if the user choosed to minimize main program window
  • Bug fixed: It was impossible to clear the "Intermediate Server" option if it was previously set for a certain server record
  • Bug fixed: The External Application check type did not always behave correctly
  • Bug fixed: The Performance Counters monitoring type did not always work correctly

December, 06, 2004. Version 6.5

  • New feature: Server comments page in the Server Properties Dialog
  • Improvement: The Regular Alerts button now shows the actual regular alerts status for the selected servers
  • Bug fixed: MS Terminal Services monitoring type did not always work correctly
  • Bug fixed: Regular alerts did not always work correctly

November, 08, 2004. Version 6.4

  • New feature: Network Map print and print preview
  • New feature: New SMTP/POP3 Loop monitoring type
  • New feature: Network Map ""Show Grid" and ""Align to Grid" menu items

October, 17, 2004. Version 6.3

  • New feature: The program can now add an icon to tray even in the service mode
  • New feature: External icons for the network map elements
  • New feature: Network map background

September, 14, 2004. Version 6.2

  • New feature: New monitoring type: Performance Counters
  • New feature: New monitoring type: JavaScript
  • New feature: New action type: JavaScript
  • Improvement: "Unknown certificate" problem fixed in the HTTPS check type

August, 17, 2004. Version 6.1

  • New feature: NTP (Network Time Protocol) monitoring
  • Bug fixed: Network Map visualization bugs were fixed

July, 17, 2004. Version 6.0

  • New feature: Network Map
  • New feature: Scheduler check type
  • Bug fixed: the program crashed when exiting or closing a previously loaded server list
  • Bug fixed: The AllServers folder did not turn it's color to red when one of it's nested servers became unavailable

May, 17, 2004. Version 5.9

  • Enhancement: Now you can set up the program to add an icon to the system tray when running as service
  • Bug fixed: Memory leaks
  • Bug fixed: The program got frozen when clicking the CheckAll button under some conditions

April, 19, 2004. Version 5.8

  • New feature: now the program shows response time chart for each server in the bottom frame of the main window
  • Bug fixed: The program did not make it's main window topmost when restoring from the Windows tray
  • Enhancement: When a server goes down, the program uses the red color to mark this not only the server's folder, but also all parent folders in the right frame of the main window
  • Enhancement: Plugin API have been enhanced, the optional ShutdownPlugin() function was added

March, 22, 2004. Version 5.7

  • New action type: Server monitoring events can now be recorded in the Windows Event Log
  • Bug fixed: The program added a false error message to Event Log when running as service
  • Bug fixed: The program's File|Preferences|NTService window did not always displayed the service status correctly
  • Bug fixed: The program's main window did not hide the history tip window when the Server Properties Dialog opened.
  • Bug fixed: The program was sending scheduled reports not using the specified date and time
  • Bug fixed: The program unwanted symbols to the search strings specified by the user in the Server Properties Dialog on the HTTP, EbentLog and FileExistance pages
  • Bug fixed: The Check Type Combo disapeared after dropping down on computers with low monitor resulution
  • Bug fixed: The MIB Import feature crashed if the user tried to import a corrupted MIB file
  • Bug fixed: The HTTP(S) monitoring routine did not always correctly process URLs like http://host:port/uri

January, 10, 2004. Version 5.6

  • Enhancement: Now you can change properties of multiple servers in one operation
  • New action type: BDE SQL query execution

December, 10, 2003. Version 5.5

  • New monitoring type: WINS servers
  • A bug was fixed in the event log monitoring procedure
  • A bug was fixed in the HTTP monitoring type

November, 10, 2003. Version 5.4

  • New program design

October, 10, 2003. Version 5.3

  • New check type: SNMP traps
  • New check type: DHCP server

August, 10, 2003. Version 5.2

  • Now the program can alert the Network Administartor if a server check length exceeds a pre-defined value
  • New menu item: Check all dead servers now
  • Bug fixed: A minor bug was fixed in the disk space check routine
  • Bug fixed: Under Windows XP password edit boxes displayed wrong (non-standard) chaqracters
  • Bug fixed: While logging a server malfunction email alert in the program's log file, the program used to put the sender's address under the TO: field
  • Bug fixed: The program did not always correctly parseed the URL string the HTTP(s)/FTP URL check type

July, 10, 2003. Version 5.1

  • Feature added: For the HTTP, HTTPS and FTP check types you can now set the max. check interval option
  • Feature added: For the SNMP MIB monitoring servers you can now import MIB variable values directly from the MIB files
  • Enhancement: Event log monitoring routine improved

June, 10, 2003. Version 5.0

  • Feature added: "Max.check length" option in the TCP/IP, SMTP, NNTP, Telnet, IMAP check types
  • Feature added: The bottom log pane of the main program window now contains the server history tab for the selected server
  • Feature added: The server check type selection combo now contains different categories.

May, 10, 2003. Version 4.9

  • Feature added: BDE SQL Query server monitoring
  • Feature added: Socks4 and Socks5 proxy server monitoring
  • Bugfix: Minor bug was fixed in the File|Import window

April, 10, 2003. Version 4.8

  • Feature added: BDE server checks
  • Feature added: LDAP server checks

March, 20, 2003. Version 4.7

  • Feature added: SNMP MIB check type
  • Feature added: Now the Administrator can specify more then one user able to access the program's web interface and assign certain access priviledges to each user

March, 1, 2003. Version 4.6

  • Feature added: MS Terminal Server check type
  • Feature added: The user can now set up the program to prevent it from running the 2nd instance while the 1rst instance already running in the File|Preferences|Misc tab
  • Feature added: Enhancements in the program's Plugin API

February, 1, 2003. Version 4.5

  • Feature added: You can specify more then one event ID in the Event Log check type.
  • Feature added: You can specify negative values in the event log ID field in the Event Log Scheck Type properties dialog. Negative values will represent the event IDs that should be ignored by the program.
  • Feature added: Server Error details report

January, 10, 2003. Version 4.4

  • Feature added: DNS server checks
  • Feature added: The program now can automaticaly generate and send server monitoring reports to the Administrator by e-mail

December, 10, 2002. Version 4.3

  • Feature added: NNTP server checks
  • Bug fixed: Few bugs were fixed in the Event Log Check Type routines
  • Bug fixed: Few bugs were fixed in the POP3 Check Type routines

November, 15, 2002. Version 4.2

  • Feature added: Now you can override default notifications templates (defined in the File|Preferences|Email dialog) for the individual servers
  • Enhancement: The additional check interval is used only for the servers in the "Unknown" state
  • Bug fixed: The HTTP(s) check type did not work properly when using proxy servers

October, 21, 2002. Version 4.1

  • Feature added: The program can now monitor IMAP servers
  • Feature added: The program can now monitor Telnet servers
  • Feature added: Now you can specify an additional check interval that will be used in the case that the server is down

October, 15, 2002. Version 4.0

  • Feature added: The program can now not only start, but also restart NT services on server events
  • Bug fixed: Server Maintenance function did not work properly on Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • Bug fixed: Response Time Averages Report did not display correct values

September, 15, 2002. Version 3.9

  • Feature added: The program can now backup the log file
  • Feature added: Now you can create a server template (Server|New|Edit server template) and create new server records based on this template
  • Improved: Now the new server record sends notifications for the first time after it was created

August, 15, 2002. Version 3.8

  • Feature added: When the server is unavailable, the program can send regular alerts to the Administator
  • Feature added: Now the program can send "keep-alive" email messages to the Administrator
  • Feature added: Now you can specify that the program will run under account different from LocalSystem in the Service mode

July, 15, 2002. Version 3.7

  • Feature added: Server monitoring history in the tooltip window.
  • Feature added: Advanced tooltips in all program dialogs
  • Enhancement: Help button in the Server Properties Dialog

June, 15, 2002. Version 3.6

  • Feature added: The program can handle multiply SMTP servers to send email notifications thru.
  • Feature added: The program can dial external SMTP servers in order to send email notifications
  • Enhancement: The Port property in the SMTP and POP3 check types are set to 25 and 110 by default

May, 15, 2002. Version 3.5

  • Feature added: The program can now monitor servers by executing a VBScript program
  • Feature added: New type of action added: VBScript program execution
  • Feature added: International language support

April, 15, 2002. Version 3.4

  • Feature added: The program can now monitor remote FTP servers and/or files on remote FTP servers, with the optional ability to check file contents
  • Feature added: New "Server Availability Totals" report
  • Feature added: New "RAS server" check type

March, 15, 2002. Version 3.3

  • Feature added: The program can now check web page contents in the HTTP URL check type
  • Feature added: Authentification support for disk space monitoring
  • Enhancement: Now the window becomes topmost when restored from tray
  • Serious bug fixed: If launched as service, the program crashed when the user logged off from the computer

February, 15, 2002. Version 3.2

  • Feature added: New look&feel of the Server Properties Dialog
  • Feature added: New "screen log" pane was added to the program's main window
  • Feature added: The program is able to execute an SQL query as a result of a server check
  • Enhancement: The "maximum checks at one time" option is set to 15 by default

January, 15, 2002. Version 3.1

  • Feature added: The program can now monitor SMTP servers
  • Feature added: The program can now monitor POP3 servers
  • Enhancement: Authentification support added for NT Services and NT Event Log monitoring
  • Enhancement: Fully rewritten reporting engine. With version 3.1 it can process huge statistics files (50 MB and more) and accept report parameters, such as reporting start and end dates

December, 15, 2001. Version 3.0

  • Feature added: The program can now monitor disk/folder space usage
  • Feature added: The program can now display a message box when the server state changes
  • Enhancement: The check length is now determined in a more exact manner
  • Bug fixed: The "Free disk space" scheck type did not work on Windows 95 OSR2/98/ME computers
A small SEO experiment: Bestsushko

November, 15, 2001. Version 2.9

  • Feature added: The program can now import servers from CSV files
  • Feature added: New check type: UDP ping
  • Feature added: The program now can traceroute the UDP server

October, 15, 2001. Version 2.8

  • Feature added: TraceRoute information can be included into the ICMP error text
  • Feature added: New "Server fault count" report
  • Feature added: For each server you can specify an "intermediate server" (e.q. router). The program won't send you notifications about the server failure if the intermediate server is down.
  • Feature added: NetBios check type
  • Enhancement: Fully rewritten ping algorythm
  • Enhancement: Folders with unavailable servers are completelly red now

September, 15, 2001. Version 2.7

  • Feature added: Now the tray icon does not turn it's color to normal if the program starts to check a server in the "down" state
  • Feature added: Now the program can restart remote computer if the server goes down
  • Feature added: Now the program can restart NT service on a remote computer if the server goes down

August, 15, 2001. Version 2.6

  • Feature added: New check type HTTPS
  • Feature added: Plugin-enabled architecture
  • Feature added: Detailed SMTP session log

July, 15, 2001. Version 2.5

  • Feature added: Password-protected access to the web interface
  • Feature added: HTTP check type now supports authentification and proxy
  • Feature added: Now the program is able to send email notifications even if the server requires authentification

May, 15, 2001. Version 2.4

  • Feature added: New "File existance" check type
  • Feature added: New "External Application" check type
  • Feature added: Now the program can monitor event logs other than Application, Security and System (Windows 2000 specific)

April, 15, 2001. Version 2.3

  • Feature added: New "NT Service state" check type
  • Feature added: New "Statistics-based log" report with full source code (!)
  • Feature added: Feature added: now the program can launch external programs on NT EventLog events
  • Feature added: new notification macros: %EVENTLOG ID% and %EVENTLOG TYPE%
  • Feature added: The program's web interface is now template-based and customizable
  • Bug fixed: The program could be invoked to check server state even if check type was undefined

March, 15, 2001. Version 2.2

  • Feature added: Now the program can work as a Windows Service
  • Feature added: New "Any Database Server" check type
  • Feature added: Automated truncation of the statistics file
  • Improvement: Now the program performs only one check of MS SQL Server, that helps to avoid program crash because of the MS SQL Client software

February, 15, 2001. Version 2.1

  • Feature added: New "SQL Query" check type
  • Feature added: New "HTTP URL" check type
  • Feature added: Now the user can move and hide columns in the server table
  • Feature added: Now you can set separate detalizations for event logging and event notifications
  • Feature added: The program is now optimized for a large (1000+) server records
  • Feature added: Now the program build number is available in the Help|About dialog
  • Bug fixed: The program could be invoked to check server state even if check type was undefined

January, 15, 2001. Version 2.0

  • Feature added: Server statistics reports
  • Feature added: Sound notifications
  • Feature added: In the server properties dialog user can preview sending email notification, notifying by "net send" algorithm, external program execution and sound notifications
  • Feature added: The right (folder) frame initially has 100-pixel width

October, 1, 2000. Version 1.9

  • Feature added: Web access to the program
  • Feature added: The program can save server list now in unregistered version too.
  • Feature added: Port selection menu in TCP/IP settings dialog
  • Feature added: You can set up the program to send you notifications only after 2nd (3rd, etc) failed check
  • Feature added: Tray icon changes when server(s) go down
  • Feature added: One-click restoring from tray
  • Feature added: When restored from tray the program window is brought to top

September, 1, 2000. Version 1.8

  • Feature added: New "Select All" menu item
  • Feature added: New server folders window
  • Feature added: "Check all servers at startup" setting
  • Feature added: New "Checked on" and "Check length" columns
  • Feature added: Now the user can specify multiply SMTP servers in the Preferences dialog
  • Bug fixed: The program cleared the "Error" table column if the user opened Server Properties dialog and then clicked OK button without making changes
  • Bug fixed: The program ignored "default.htm" file while creating a new HTML log file
  • Bug fixed: The program wrote an extra record to the log file if the user requested to interrupt the server during server check or opened server properties dialog

July, 15, 2000. Version 1.7

  • Feature added: Now the program can monitor NT Event Log
  • Feature added: Now the user can duplicate server records in the list
  • Feature added: Now the user can set multiply recipients for WinPopup/Messenger service notifications
  • Feature added: Now the user can customize e-mail notification (both subject and body) message being sent
  • Bug fixed: Now the program correctly sets the time in the header of e-mail message
  • Big fixed: Program was unable to save window position if it was terminated in minimized state

May, 2, 2000. Version 1.6

  • Feature added: Now the program can check disk free space
  • Feature added: Now the user can set maximum duration of the ICMP, IPX and MS SQL server check
  • Feature added: Now the user can set the maximum number of pings for ICMP check
  • Feature added: Now the program adds description of the error occured when checking the server when it writes LOG file and/or sends notification to the administrator

Apr, 1, 2000. Version 1.5

  • Feature added: Now the user can soft servers in the list by clicking column header
  • Feature added: Now server check can be interrupted by the user
  • Feature added: Now the program can automatically open the last opened file at startup
  • Feature added: Server scheduled maintainance periods
  • Bug fixed: If the user changed server properties and then exited the Alchemy Eye, the program did not suggest him to save changes

Mar, 1, 2000. Version 1.4

  • Feature added: Novell IPX/SPX support
  • Feature added: MS SQL Server checks
  • Feature added: Now the program is able to start external programs on server fault
  • Bug fixed: The program have not released system resources (about 100 bytes per single check) while working

Jan, 15, 1999. Version 1.3

  • Feature added: ICMP (ping) protocol support
  • Feature added: Oracle server check
  • Feature added: HTML logs
  • Feature added: Now user is able to view log file from the program
  • Feature added: install/uninstall support

Nov, 22, 1999. Version 1.2

  • Feature added: Mail notification could be sent to multiply addresses
  • Feature added: Now the program saves window position and column widths
  • Feature added: Server state check now is performed in a separate thread
  • Feature added: When sending a mail notification, the notification text is inserted in message subject and body both. This could be usefull for system administrators that receive notifications to the pager or mobile phone (SMS service) via mail gate
  • Bug fixed: Server name is not changed in the server properties dialog if it was previously edited by the user
  • Bug fixed: messenger/winpopup notifications were not sent on some maschines
  • Bug fixed: Server state automatically changed to "?" after editing server properties even if nothing was really changed

March 15, 1999. Version 1.1

  • Feature added: Now the program minimizes to the system tray;
  • Feature added: E-mail support for notification delivery;
  • Feature added: Event log could be maintained in three detalization levels: none, normal and full;
  • Feature added: The server (or multiply servers) cheking can be paused;
  • Feature added: You can set the log file folder in program preferences now;

Feb 23, 1999. Version 1.0

  • First program version. Basic features only.
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