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Release Notes | KeePassXC 2.7.9 [Portable]

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In this page we post the official release notes and changelogs related to KeePassXC 2.7.9 [Portable], if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on KeePassXC 2.7.9 [Portable], or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.

KeePassXC 2.7.9 [Portable]


  • Passkeys: Ability to easily remove a passkey from an entry [#10777]
  • Snap: Use new desktop portal for native messaging integration [#10906]


  • Improve entry placeholder/reference feature [#10846]
  • Improve CSV importing when title field isn't specified [#10843]
  • Improve encrypted Bitwarden importing [#10800]
  • Improve database settings UX [#10821]
  • Improve handling of clipboard actions from entry preview [#10810]
  • Improve group/entry view resize behavior and set sensible defaults [#10641]
  • Passkeys: Fix incorrect username fill [#10874]
  • Passkeys: Return additional data to the extension [#10857]
  • Fix password clear timer inconsistency on unlock view [#10708]
  • Fix portability check [#10760]
  • Fix page overflow on HTML exports [#10735]
  • Fix broken builds when using system provided zxcvbn [#10717]
  • Fix copy password button when text is selected [#10853]
  • Fix tab ordering on application settings pages [#10907]
  • SSH Agent: Fix broken decrypt button [#10638]
  • Windows: Fix ALT Auto-Type modifier [#10795]
  • Windows: Fix wrong DACL memory size allocation [#10712]
  • macOS: Fix monospace font sizing [#10739]
  • Flatpak: Fix configuration settings off-by-one error [#10688]
  • BSD: Fix compiling with libusb implementation [#10736]
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