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Release Notes | Total Commander 10.50 beta 7

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In this page we post the official release notes and changelogs related to Total Commander 10.50 beta 7, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on Total Commander 10.50 beta 7, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.

Total Commander 10.50 beta 7
  • 25.05.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 beta 7
  • 25.05.22 Fixed: Trim of trailing spaces from id3v1 tags didn't work if the tag was filled to the end with spaces (32/64)
  • 25.05.22 Added: New parameters 8 and 9 for all internal commands cm_srcby*, e.g. cm_srcbyname 8 saves the current sort order internally, cm_srcbyname 9 restores it (32/64)
  • 25.05.22 Fixed: msimg32.dll was loaded from the program directory by the Lazarus libraries by mistake, which is a possible security risk (64)
  • 25.05.22 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: Preview color for dark mode border was wrong (32/64)
  • 25.05.22 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: Preview text for hint window was wrong (32/64)
  • 25.05.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Date/time for the files on the right side were not shown in Windows 9x (32)
  • 24.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Read meta data and album cover image in GIF/JPEG/PNG format from m4a (mpeg 4) files also when stored at the END of the file (32/64)
  • 24.05.22 Added: The internal commands cm_list, cm_listInternalOnly, cm_listInternalMulti, cm_listOnly, cm_listMulti now support the same parameters as via command line, with switch / at the start, e.g. cm_list /T1 filename (32/64)
  • 24.05.22 Added: Command line parameter /S=L to open a separate Lister window: New sub-parameter F to open Lister in full screen view, e.g. /S=L:F filename (32/64)
  • 24.05.22 Fixed: Lister, new internal media player: Ctrl+V now also switches to full screen as with the old player, in addition to Alt+Enter (32/64)
  • 24.05.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] FileTipWindowsOnIcon=2 shows Win32-style tip on icon, full name on shortened name, but only when Win32 style tips are enabled in settings (32/64)
  • 23.05.22 Fixed: Find files: Close standalone search with a small delay after receiving WM_CLOSE (e.g. from AutoHotkey) to avoid access violation (64)
  • 23.05.22 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Refresh search and replace comboboxes manually, they aren't fully redrawn after adding items to their dropdown list with refresh disabled (64)
  • 23.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Album art wasn't found in some id3v2.4 tags which were using an extra "Data length indicator" field (32/64)
  • 23.05.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Some subfolders were found as missing when a file was stored in an archive with a relative path a\b\filename without the folders themselves (32764)
  • 23.05.22 Fixed: Compare by content, right to left language: The new "Sync" button was overlapping text (32/64)
  • 22.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Added some small distance between all the player controls (32/64)
  • 22.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: The player controls didn't show up when moving the mouse to the bottom while paused/stopped in full screen mode (32/64)
  • 22.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Play/Pause didn't work by clicking on the album art image, only by clicking on the player background (32/64)
  • 22.05.22 Fixed: When using the new parameter /P to position the cursor on the last part of the passed path, the view mode was not updated to the new directory (32/64)
  • 20.05.22 Fixed: Thumbnails view, only about 1+1/2 rows visible, press left arrow in last line on first item -> cursor was not jumping to the last item in the previous row (32/64)
  • 20.05.22 Fixed: Id3v1 tags: Ignore genre=0 in id3v1 tag if incomplete id3v2 tag doesn't contain genre, and don't set genre field to 0 (32/64)
  • 20.05.22 Fixed: Compare by content: Use different dialog box title for "Edit user-defined separators" (32/64)
  • 20.05.22 Fixed: Tooltips (not the win32 style) were not shown correctly when using duplicate file finder - feed to listbox (32/64)
  • 20.05.22 Fixed: Button bar: When setting the tooltip to a single space to hide the tip, an empty tip was still shown for a button opening another button as a menu (after closing the menu) (32/64)
  • 20.05.22 Fixed: Rearranged dialog box items AGAIN in Configuration - Options - Edit/View (32/64)
  • 20.05.22 Fixed: Lister: Always check menu item "Internal" in "Plugins" menu when viewing file with mode '4' (Multimedia) and no plugin is used (32/64)
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