You can choose from seven different fonts for notification icons, especially useful for differentiating multiple monitors.
Now you can run ClickMonitorDDC without notification icons, then ClickMonitorDDC-main-window can only be opened by running program again (without arguments),
and context menu can only be opened by right clicking in ClickMonitorDDC-main-window.
Argument x shuts all monitors down to power-safe-mode, this is done by windows, and is not monitor-specific.
Now if you prepend a monitornumber, monitorname, modelname or serialnumber then only this monitor is set to power-safe-mode by using MCCS-VCP-control-code.
For instance the following command-line sets a monitor with name PHL32M and a monitor with name HP27WZ to power-safe-mode. All other monitors are ignored.
PHL32M x HP27WZ x
Running this commandline again would wake up these monitors.