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Apps | 3D-Analyze | Tutorials

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Here are several tutorials in both english and italian languages that show you how to install and configure 3D-Analyze main settings and explain the link among video cards generations and supported Microsoft DirectX versions.

Official 3D-Analyze User Guide [EN]
3D-Analyze is a powerful application that allows to play many DirectX based games using video hardware officially unsupported and theoretically unable to run these; in this guide I'will show you how to install and configure 3D-Analyze main settings, depending on the title you want to play...


Installazione e configurazione di 3D-Analyze [IT]
3D-Analyze è una potente applicazione che consente di far funzionare molti giochi basati sulle API DirectX di Microsoft con una scheda video non ufficialmente supportata. Questo tutorial descrive i passi fondamentali per l'installazione e la configurazione di 3D-Analyze...


3D-Analyze Tutorial by re-voodoo and ToxicWaltz [IT]
This's a guide to configure and optimize the games running with 3D-Analyze. It explains the meant of 3D-Analyze's settings and so allows to choose the optimal values for your system. This content was posted at our italian forums by the members re-voodoo and ToxicWaltz...


3D-Analyze Tutorial by Devilman [IT]
This tutorial describes how to install 3D-Analyze as well as how run the T&L based-games using this utility. It was written by Devilman, moderator on our italian forums, and includes screenshot...


Hardware Transform and Lighting: NVIDIA Official Documentation [EN]
Official NVIDIA slides related to hardware transform and lighting (T&L) capability of its GPUs. These ones describe how to optimize the software for the hardware transform and lighting...


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