Racing |
Racing, anche indicata come ATB Indy Demo, mette in mostra due auto da corsa in competizione su schermo diviso. Le auto e i lati dello schermo rappresentano altrettanti livelli di qualità del... |
Racing, also named ATB Indy Demo, is a technology demo that shows off two race cars competing in split screen. The two cars and two screen sides represent two level of rendering quality. One with... |
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Demoroom |
Demoroom è una demo tecnologica progettata per mostrare multi-pass projected textures (immagini monocromatiche, a colori reali e animate) e trame ad altissima frequenza. Demoroom evidenzia anche... |
Demoroom is a technology demo designed to show off multi-pass projected textures (mono color images, true color images, and animated images) as well as very high frequency textures. Demoroom... |
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The Wizard of Tower |
The Wizard of Tower, nota anche come WIZ, dimostra l'uso di mappe luminose per produrre ambienti strutturati di alta qualità. Comprende 5 sale da esplorare, supporta la modalità multiplayer ed è... |
The Wizard of Tower, also known as WIZ, demonstrates the use of lighting maps to produce high quality textured enviromnents. This technology demo includes 5 rooms to explore and supports both... |
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La demo ATBTV è stata progettata per mostrare textures animate e stili di illuminazione semplici. ATBTV carica i file 3DF presenti nella sottocartella "movie" e li visualizza sulla TVo. ATBTV è stato... |
Technology demo ATBTV was designed to show off animated textures and simple lighting styles. By default, ATBTV loads all of the 3DF files found in subfolder named "movie" and displays them on the TV... |
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Valley of Ra |
La demo tecnologica Valley of Ra, nota anche come Fight, è stata sviluppata da 3dfx per la scheda Voodoo1 ma può essere apprezzata anche con prodotti più recenti a partire dalla Voodoo2 per arrivare... |
Technology demo Valley of Ra, also known as Fight, was developed by 3dfx for Voodoo1 board but it can be enjoyed also with more recent products starting from Voodoo2 to Voodoo5 (in this case you must... |
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Arcade Tool Box (ATB) Runtime Drivers |
Queste librerie sono necessarie per eseguire alcune demo tecnologiche originariamente sviluppate da 3dfx per le schede Voodoo1. Questi file sono stati testati con successo solo con schede Voodoo1... |
These libraries are required to run some technology demos originally developed da 3dfx for Voodoo1 boards. These files were succesfully tested with Voodoo1 cards only (Voodoo Graphics/Obidian... |
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Surf for Linux |
Versione Linux della demo tecnologica Surf che presenta il rendering dinamico della superficie lod in tempo reale (real-time dynamic lod surface rendering) e il suo output può essere ampiamente... |
Linux version of technology demo Surf that is focused on a specific capability of the 3dfx chips. More in details, this program demonstrates real-time dynamic lod surface rendering and its output can... |
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Surf for Windows |
Questa demo tecnologica presenta il rendering dinamico della superficie lod in tempo reale (real-time dynamic lod surface rendering) e il suo output può essere ampiamente personalizzato dall'utente... |
This technology demo is focused on a specific capability of the 3dfx chips. More in details, this program demonstrates real-time dynamic lod surface rendering and its output can be widely customized... |
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