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Utilities for 3dfx hardware

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Index of applications, utilities, bioses and tools for 3dfx hardware available to free download from 3dfxzone.it. Page 1

ReShade 6.4.1
ReShade è una applicazione Open Source per utenti esperti progettata per incrementare la resa grafica dei videogame mediante l'introduzione di effetti grafici non supportati nativamente dai titoli...
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MAME (5Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.275
MAME - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator - è un applicativo freeware che consente l'esecuzione dei vecchi giochi arcade sugli odierni pc. E' attivabile in ambiente Windows dalla linea di comando:...
MAME allows people to enjoy the long-lost arcade games and even some newer ones, the main purpose of the project is to document the hardware (and software) of the arcade games. There are already many...
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Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Demo
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is the fourth and final video game in the Star Wars: Jedi Knight series. This title has been developed by Raven Software, using the id Tech 3 graphics engine, and...
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Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne Demo
Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne is a 2003 third-person shooter developed by Remedy Entertainment as well as the sequel of Max Payne, first chapter of homonymous videogame series Max Payne. Max...
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MDK2 Demo
MDK2 is the sequel to the PC game, MDK, created by Shiny Entertainment. A very solid Playstation port was done by Neversoft shortly after the PC version was released. MDK2 is being published by...
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DLSS Unlocker for WRC Generations & AMD Radeon FSR GPUs v.
Mod non ufficiale per utenti e gamer esperti che consente potenzialmente di utilizzare la tecnologia FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR), supportata dalle recenti GPU Radeon di AMD, anche con il racing...
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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation - Fullscreen Border Fix 1.0.1
Fix non ufficiale, finalizzata alla corretta visualizzazione del videogame Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation in modalità fullscreen. Per installare questa patch, gli utenti di Windows 10 possono...
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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Demo 1.0
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation is the fourth installment in Tomb Raider videogame series. It has been developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive in 1990 for Windows PCs as well as...
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