- 07834: [Gameplay] (gauntlet.cpp) gauntlet, gaunt2 and clones: Protection issues when finishing a level (Olivier Galibert)
- 07713: [Sound] (ksys573.cpp) ddrs2kj: Silence during Dancemania promo screens
- 05379: [DIP/Input] (xybots.cpp) xybots: Coin inputs are backwards. (Osso)
- 07838: [Graphics] (btoads.cpp) btoads: Garbled graphics (David Haywood)
- 07830: [Plugins] Lua Cheat Plugin: Cheats show errors attempting to activate (crazyc)
- 07837: [Gameplay] (namcos21_c67.cpp) starblad, starbladj: Coin counter does not work (AJR)
- 07842: [DIP/Input] (namcos2.cpp) luckywld, sgunner2: Credit buttons doesn't work (AJR)
- 07846: [Gameplay] (itech32.cpp) wcbowl: Game resets itself during gameplay (Osso)
- 07841: [Sound] (taito_f3.cpp) kaiserkn and clones: Loss of sound (AJR)
- 07843: [Interface] (undrfire.cpp) cbombers: Gear Shifter HUD doesn't work but in-game works. (Tafoid)
- 07836: [DIP/Input] (wrally.cpp) wrally : analog controls don't work (Osso)
- 07833: [Color/Palette] (tickee.cpp) ghoshunt, mouseatk, tickee, tutstomb: Random chance of launching with missing colors (AJR)