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3dfx Voodoo4 4500 PCI Mac Edition

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Engineered around the new VSA-100 2D/3D graphics processor from 3dfx, the Voodoo4 4500 PCI for Macintosh delivers a new generation of features and performance to your Macintosh desktop. Utilizing a 350MHz RAMDAC for optimum 2D imaging, the Voodoo4 4500 PCI delivers resolutions as high as 2048x1536x32bit with unmatched color and clarity. Enhanced 2D acceleration yields unprecedented responsiveness.

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Engineered around the new VSA-100 2D/3D graphics processor from 3dfx, the Voodoo4 4500 PCI for Macintosh delivers a new generation of features and performance to your Macintosh desktop. Utilizing a 350MHz RAMDAC for optimum 2D imaging, the Voodoo4 4500 PCI delivers resolutions as high as 2048x1536x32bit with unmatched color and clarity. Enhanced 2D acceleration yields unprecedented responsiveness and is further tuned with integrated font and picture caching.

For demanding professional applications, the Voodoo4 4500 PCI goes beyond analog CRT's to drive the latest, ultra-clean, all-digital flat panels. Not to be outdone by its 2D capabilities, the Voodoo4 4500 PCI also delivers incredible new levels of Macintosh 3D performance. Boasting an impressive fill rate of 333 Megapixels per second, the Voodoo4 4500 can render vivid real-time 3D environments in true 32-bit color at amazing frame rates. Together with 32MB of high-speed graphics memory and QuickTime multimedia support, the Voodoo4 4500 is the perfect high-speed graphic solution for every Macintosh owner. In our minds, the best hardware in the world deserves the best software. Only 3dfx offers full support for Glide, QuickDraw 3D and Apple OpenGL, ensuring compatibility with the widest array of Macintosh 3D titles. So whether you are surfing the Web, running Adobe Photoshop, doing layout in QuarkXPress or fighting for survival on some alien world, your on-screen images will look razor-sharp at any resolution.

General Features


Fully integrated 128-bit 2D/3D Video Accelerator

A superior design and publishing solution that's also great for gaming.

32 MB of Graphics Memory

Enough memory to handle high-resolution 32-bit gaming with large textures.

Fill Rate of 333 Megapixels per second

Fill rate delivers frame rate. Virtually all games are limited by fill rate at resolutions of 1024x768 and above so the higher your fill rate the faster your game will perform.

2-Sample Real-time Full-Scene HW Anti-Aliasing

Removes annoying jaggies and flashing objects from the image to dramatically improve the visual quality of any title, new or old.

Advanced Texture Compression

Reduces the size of texture images with no loss in visual quality and enables higher frame rates and better image quality.

8-bit Palletized Textures

The most widely used form of texture compressio. As with FXT1, palletized textures enable higher frame rates and enhanced image quality. Graphics cards that do not support palletized textures often experience severe game compatibility problems.

32 bit Rendering

Supports the highest possible image quality for the latest titles.

32-bit Textures

Allows use of the highest quality artwork seen in today's titles.

2k x 2k Textures

Allows you to enjoy the full impact of the most detailed artwork used by game developers; larger textures enable more complex, more stunning images.

24-bit Floating Point Depth Buffer (Z or W)

Virtually eliminates "Z aliasing," or having surfaces that should be visible being occluded and surfaces that should be occluded being visible.

8-bit Stencil Buffer

Improves image quality and realism by supporting a technique widely used by 3D content developers to create complex shapes such as shadows.

350MHz RAMDAC & Flat panel support

Allows users to run at insane resolutions and incredible refresh rates, up to 2048x1536 at 85Hz!

API support: QuickDraw, QuickTime, QuickDraw 3D, Glide, Apple OpenGL

The most comprehensive API support brought to the Macintosh ensures the highest title compatibility.

SVGA and DVI outputs, plus the widest array of supported resolutions

Drives a wide variety of display types including the newest, ultra-clean, all-digital, flat panels.

Minimum system requirements

Mac OS 8.6

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