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3dfx Velocity 100 AGP

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Based on the acclaimed graphics technology from 3dfx, the Velocity 100 2D/3D and video accelerator provides maximum graphics performance for both today's and tomorrow's business applications. Featuring a 300 MHz RAMDAC for razor sharp 2D graphics at resolutions as high as to 2046x1536, the Velocity 100 also incorporates state-of-the art 3D acceleration and video support. Designed with 8MB of high-speed SGRAM.

Product Image

Based on the acclaimed graphics technology from 3dfx, the Velocity 100 2D/3D and video accelerator provides maximum graphics performance for both today's and tomorrow's business applications. Featuring a 300 MHz RAMDAC for razor sharp 2D graphics at resolutions as high as to 2046x1536, the Velocity 100 also incorporates state-of-the art 3D acceleration and video support. Designed with 8MB of high-speed SGRAM and fully certified for Microsoft Windows, the Velocity 100 delivers premium speed, color and clarity at an unmatched price.

Product Features

Advanced 2D Feature Set

Cutting Edge 3D Feature Set

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