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3dfx Voodoo2 & Banshee Series

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Legendary 3dfx product line that includes the graphics accelerators Voodoo2 PCI as well as the video cards Voodoo Banshee PCI and Voodoo Banshee AGP.

3dfx Voodoo2 PCI

Fueled by the award-winning Voodoo2 chipset from 3dfx, the V2 1000 PCI turns your PC into a raging 3D game machine. The V2 1000 PCI works with your computer's existing 2D graphics card to pump out over 3 million triangles per second to deliver today's hottest games at insanely fast frame rates. Dual texture units on the V2 1000 PCI deliver Patented Single Pass, Single Cycle Multi-Texturing for state-of-the-art special effects...


3dfx Voodoo Banshee PCI/AGP

Voodoo Banshee is the first of 3Dfx's family of integrated 2D/3D accelerators to storm into the consumer PC arena to score a one-punch knockout. The ultimate bridge between 3D entertainment and PC graphics is now available with unprecedented Voodoo2 3D technology. The Voodoo architecture, which has built a religious following among game developers, is now married with ultra-fast 2D, designed to accelerate graphic intensive...


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