Improved stability with AMD graphics cards and motherboards.
Resolved issues where H115i PRO and H150i PRO might have difficulty updating firmware.
Extra fans will no longer show up under motherboard information after LINK has been running for an extended period of time.
CPU core numbering has been fixed.
Known Issues:
Mechanical hard disks may not enter sleep state. (Scheduled for next release.)
Link may still have stability issues with some AMD graphics configurations. (Scheduled for next release.)
Dashboard sometimes loads blank or becomes blank. (Investigation ongoing.)
EVGA Precision XOC software may conflict with Corsair LINK. This is due to their software trying to take control of certain Corsair coolers. We are in process of resolving this with EVGA.
LL RGB fans will require the Corsair LINK software to function. This is a limitation of the Lighting Node PRO and Commander PRO hardware.
CPUs with more than 16 cores will not report all cores. This is a limitation of Corsair LINK being a 32-bit application.