MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04424: [Graphics] (seta.c) thunderlbl: [debug] Severe
graphic issues (Osso)
- 05357: [Crash/Freeze] (taitogn.c) nightrai: fails to boot
into the game (smf)
- 05236: [Graphics] multiple monitor support doesn't work with d3d
- 05391: [Misc.] (cave.c) ppsatan: manufacturer info for ppsatan
- 05383: [Graphics] (twin16.c) hpuncher: Screen is split and
graphics are offset (Alex Jackson)
- 00785: [Sound] (omegrace.c) omegrace: Corrupted music after
completing first several levels. (hap)
- 05214: [Color/Palette] vector games: Vector games with color overlay
show in b&w on Windows D3D render when HLSL is disabled. (hap)
- 05384: [DIP/Input] (lethal.c) lethaleneab, lethaleneae: Language DIP
Switch not changing the language (Tafoid)
- 05355: [DIP/Input] (cps1.c) sf2m3 ; sf2m8: Kick inputs are not working
LK MK HK (Osso)
- 05375: [Documentation] (sderby.c) sderby, sderby2: 1 set name and 1
full name need changed
- 05373: [Crash/Freeze] (capbowl.c) capbowl3, capbowl4: Black screen
after starting game (Phil Bennett)
- 05366: [Core] (harddriv.c) harddriv and clones, racedriv and clones: RTC
Day and Month error and fails to start
- 05365: [Documentation] (namcos21.c) driveyes: The correct description
is "Driver's Eyes (Japan)"
- 05364: [Compiling] Error when compiling with NO_USE_QTDEBUG
- 05356: [Color/Palette] (midvunit.c) offroadc: Off Road Challenge and
clones have wrong color in some textures (Phil Bennett)
- 05207: [Graphics] All vector games: In the vector games, graphics
remains imprinted even when exit the game. (hap)
- 04947: [Graphics] (midvunit.c) offroadc: Missing selection indicator
within service mode. (Phil Bennett)