32/16-bit to 8-bit

Started by perer, 09 January 2004, 22:12:39

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He I was thinking if we make a wrapper that converts 16/32-bit textures to 8-bit compressed or similar textures. Will it cause a great performance gain. Note that this can be for Voodoo1 to Voodoo5.
Can somebody tell me of this is something good or something awful.
Start War and peace will be appreciated


Well I read what Koolsmoky sad about the DXTC for voodoo3.
And he sad that pre-load textures can be done, Thats what I thought to. But what to do with the ones that are asked during gameplay?
You can't let the CPU do everything on the fly, or it has to have a killer speed. Which I don't have unfortunately only a duron 1000, and a xp2200+ [:(] where the voodoo2 is not installed because of the 3 year warrenty [:(]. But I am thinking of buying a applebred, and hope I get a good stepping. But further on the textures, changing textures during gameplay CAN BE DONE. We can use 8-bit textures compressed, or 8-bit palletized. But Koolsmoky am I wrong here ( please correct my if I am wrong ). Colours are values in C, that is generally what a texture is, a bunch of number, (can I alter them with a Hex-editor).
Wel If we first count the numbers on a 16-bit texture, then we have the amount of colours. The colours/numbers that a closely together will be joined to one colour. So we will have less colours know. Then we change the image to a 8-bit one with a pallet. So we can use more colours. A little note about  about the numbers thing, If the numbers of colours after joining some are still not 256, then some other colours will be joined. I hope this can be a fast way to change the textures.
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