splinter cell, enter the matrix, unrel2 the awake

Started by navid, 22 December 2003, 19:23:39

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hi everyone.
I cannot run Enter the matrix or splinter cell at all.
I can play unreal 2 the awakening and battlefield 1942, but the games are so slow and have many graphic problems.
my system: Cpy: 2 gh celeron.
vga: voodoo 5500 agp, driver :amiga merlin 3.00
OS:windows XP pro.
256 mb ddr RAM.


Sorry, but enter the matrix and splinter cell simply won't run, sorry. As for BF: 1942, this can help. For UT 2, the same settings might help.
When the sun goes down, the music turns up...

Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|Voodoo 5 5500 AGP|MSI K7T266-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card


Thank you for the answer amp-man.
do you know whats the best setting for unreal2? both game's settings and driver's settings(3dfx advanced feature)?


thank you rolo
I already used it to make the game playable.
but he game is not soft and swift.I can not follow enemy movements.they look like jumping from one place to another and do not have a continuous movement