Setting up new system

Started by skinnie, 23 December 2006, 21:34:16

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Hi ppl,I would like to know somethings for my "new" 3dfx will be made with this parts:

AMD Athlon 1800+
Epox 8k5A2
Seagate 40gb Barracuda 7200rpm
256mb DDR400 Kingston Value Ram (samsung TCCC chips)
Voodoo 3 3000

1st Wich oS do I put?XP SP1,ME, or 2k SP4?the computer will be mostly for small lans wich we play UT goty and maybe XP SP1 because of the lan settings no?[I can lighten them a bit with nlite]

2nd:Wich DX?8.1?8.1b?9.0b?9.0c?

3rd:Wich drivers?latest sff?

4th:with a v5500 could I play CSS?or Flatout1?
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


Yes! xp sp2 is the best choice for lan games and it includes dx9.0c; install latest sfft and wickedGL for Q3
Of course a v5 runs a lot better and you can play flatout and CSS(with some texture errors)
my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:


see my first post here:;action=display;num=1166626980
that should help you with your SFFT driver install,which can be tricky if you are doing it for the first time..


I've installed sfft in windows 2000sp4 when I tried it for my k6-2 500..and it worked good :)
By now I already bought this parts,I am only waiting for them to come:
Epox 8k5A2
Athlon XP 1800+ t-bred JIUHB (this steeping overclock to 2200mhz or more :) )
Creative SBS260 Speakers
ATX Black Case :)

The HDD,CD-Roms,cables,fans and that things I already have..
And for the memories,guess it will take either my OCZ PC3500 "old skool bh5 chips" or 2x256 Twinmos with "CH5-utt a.k.a. VX" chips :)

this system will be awesome for's a pity it don't have isas to plug my AWE32...
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


I got Athlon 2600+, Abit NF7, 2x512MBRAM, Voodoo3 3000 PCI and it's not working in D3D (directX v. 7.0) [:(!]


i have voodoo 3 2000 tunned to voodoo 3 3500, for me the best drivers are amigasport 3.0, the d3d aplication are more faster. wickedgl is good chose ever, for counter strike for example and quake2. for quake 3 the image quality ofwicked gl is ugly, but with the factory icd have good fps and more image quality.
3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 PCI@FLASHED TO Voodoo 3 3500, XFX Geforce 8800 ULTRA, 2 GB RAM HP-6400 Mushkin, Athlon 64 X2 5200+, 2x160GB Hitachi SATA2 RAID 0, Hitachi 250GB.