intel 430tx chipset and 128mb of ram

Started by skinnie, 04 December 2005, 21:00:03

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well,I heard that the intel 430tx chipset only "caches" 64mb of ram,so what od I earn if I put more 64mb of ram in my mmx200?I know it slows down my games but it speed up windows processes?
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


The board may not even be able to physically hold 128MB of ram........ hardware may be gimped down.
Bloody Mess


my board has 82430xt ( i think they are the same...) and can hold up to 256mb
my 3Dfx pc GOT UPGRADED :D

AMD K6-III 400 @ 450mhz FIC V3 503+ 256mb sdram VOODOO 5 5500 AGP!!! 5 usb pci adapter SB 16 Isa pnp drive 2x seagate meddalist 3.2gb Asus cd-rom TDK cdrw 250w psu and a veeryyy old LAN card windows 98SE Raziel64's Evolution driver Wintv GO! FM2 isa Radio card Rockwell 34k modem :p