Started by kekit, 04 January 2005, 01:48:10

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you might beable to run GTA:VC on V2 in windows 98. adding mesafx to the gtavc dir and make a shortcut with "gtavc.exe -opengl" i dont know if it will work since i dont have GTA:VC, but i have ran it in opengl on a friends GF:FX.


Wow I never knew that VC had a opengl engine, I will try right away.
Can somebody tell me how to run freedom fighters with a V2? If it works with V2 I will post some pics. If Gta:VC has opengl GTA3 has opengl too (same engine). Letts hope it works.
Start War and peace will be appreciated


I have tried GTA3 with the Voodoo2 its kinda slow now because of the large textures, if I am able to decrease the size I will post some pics with framerate. It works with XP(w2K) and win98se.
Here it is:

With these settings it is playable
Start War and peace will be appreciated


more details on the settings please ;)


Well, I think there should be a faq about games, that need work around to be playable on 3dfx hardware. And I mean all voodoo's!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps something extra for 3dfxzone. I dunno it's just an idea. Ok I will post the specs later. I'm still not satisfied with the current state in which the game runs.
Start War and peace will be appreciated


QuoteOriginally posted by perer

Well, I think there should be a faq about games, that need work around to be playable on 3dfx hardware. And I mean all voodoo's!!!!!!!!!!

hmm, good idea...

[overhaul/update to game guide coming soon, thanx to ps47...]
When the sun goes down, the music turns up...

Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|Voodoo 5 5500 AGP|MSI K7T266-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card


Do you think that a V3 would be capable of running it on OpenGl mode with the MesaFx6.2?


it might, just depends on whether it wants too [:p]


Wll doing what you said didnt make the game run on OpenGl, as the 3dfx logo screen didnt show up on the start as it uses when im using a mesaFx opengl to play a Opengl Game.... any help??? what more should i change?


try updating it to the newest version


What should i update???? the game or the drivers??? im already using Mesa 6.2 and Sfft 21 alpha...


the game, update the game


I used a cracked version of the game, cause the music cd gets kinda hot. Anyway the version of the game was 1.0. Ofcourse you can play the game with the V3 no problem, or there must be a strange thing wrong somewhere. Just use mesaFX and make a shortcut of GTA3.exe with the commandline ' -opengl.'  And then the game will run although I use some other tweak programs to make it run resionable on my V2. I think the V3 would be better at running the game because of the texture memory and the clockspeed. Can someone with a V3 3500 test it?
Start War and peace will be appreciated


how do you really know that it is running on OpenGl???


..if hes running the game on a voodoo2 card under xp,the game must run under opengl,as voodoo2 has no d3d under xp..