SFFT alpha drivers - V3/4/5 - Join to Testing

Started by Glide, 22 May 2004, 17:02:06

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- to agrelaphon:

New GLide libraries have the same origin of other driver modules; so those come from SFFT effort and your feedback.

- to all:

Is there some other testing report(s) about this current release?
Thanks in advance.

Bye bye


The HDD strange sound isn't there anymore! Good work!!

UT99 and WC3 Frozen Throne works perfect. I haven't any time to test anything more
DFI Infinity nForce4 UltraII M2 || Athlon 64 X2 5000 || 2GB RAM (2x1024) DDR2  || HDD 40GB || LG DVD Writer || Voodoo3 2000 PCI @ V3 3000


the pink square appears again on my v56k.

Follow your dreams !


There is speed increasing in SFFT 1.2. I'v test with 3dmark2001 SFFT1.1 has 600 as result, but SFFT1.2 has 800. But Amigamerlin R11 has beter one it has 1388 as result value. but Amigamerlin has some glitch in same game.

 Game 'madcaps' from game house freeze and computer sudenly reboot. sometime BSOD appear before reboot. it olny happen when i use 32bit color depth. and never hapen with 16bit.

 Thanks for this great driver.

CPU  : Celeron 1G
MEM  : 512m
VGA  : voodoo5 5500 agp



Could you post details about that BSOD ?
Be sure to turn off the direct reboot before.
The detailed description may help SFFT to improve the driver.


BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) say something about 3dfx.dll. sorry BSOD apear too fast to read.

 it only hapen when i use 32bit color depth with game 'MADCAP' from gamehouse. it is not hapen if i use SFFTbeta45 or AMIGAMERLIN.

 Program 'wizmark' also not work. it say something about z buffer canot alocated.


QuoteOriginally posted by didi_dudikov

BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) say something about 3dfx.dll. sorry BSOD apear too fast to read.

Did you tried to deactive automatic restart on system error? I think it is because of that the BSOD dissapears.
DFI Infinity nForce4 UltraII M2 || Athlon 64 X2 5000 || 2GB RAM (2x1024) DDR2  || HDD 40GB || LG DVD Writer || Voodoo3 2000 PCI @ V3 3000


I an not yet tried to disable auto restart. I'll try it soon.
 Even if i run the game in window mode, there is un usual image like corrupt image in the game window and outsite window, then system freeze. 5 - 10 seconds later computer will be blank and (hard) reboot without warning. sometime BSOD appear, sometime not.

 This hapen since I use SFFTbeta48 and later. I'v try SFFTbeta45-47 it's fine.


Ah nice, SFFT now also works on Glide drivers?

Greetings from Germany,
The biggest Voodoo5 6000 test ever: http://3dcenter.de/artikel/voodoo5-6000/


OK, i got this message.

'The 3dfxvs display driver has stooped working normaly.
Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display fuctionality.
The nextme you reboot the machine,
a dialog will be displayed gving you chance to upload data about
this faiulure to mcrosoft.'

I also upload same screenshoot and dump file that mey be usefull

Download Attachment: screenshoot.zip
52.86 KB


-1024x768 16bpp high detail perfect
-1024x768 32bpp high detail BSOD appear "IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS"


I've noticed that sometimes windows has some lag or delay when drawing windows that weren't there before driver 1.2. Also it has the same problem when moving trough text for the first time on word or anything were I can write, but it happens only when scrolling with the keyboard arrow keys.

I've seen too that when selecting with the mouse a lot of images in preview view mode it is very slow, but I'm not sure if that happened with previous driver versions.

Thanks for the driver!! Keep the good work! =D
DFI Infinity nForce4 UltraII M2 || Athlon 64 X2 5000 || 2GB RAM (2x1024) DDR2  || HDD 40GB || LG DVD Writer || Voodoo3 2000 PCI @ V3 3000


With SFFT 1.2 Homeworld works fine in D3D, OGL and Glide (but only in 640x480) but sometime the pc freezes while starting/exiting game.
Homeworld 2 doesn't start (it use OGL engine)
my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


homeworld2 needs mesafx with the latest glide3x compiled by dborca (and it wont be 100% correct anyway).


Great work dude!

But SFFT 1.2 doesn´t work with MS Vista 64. [V]

Is there any update?