SFFT alpha drivers - V3/4/5 - Join to Testing

Started by Glide, 22 May 2004, 17:02:06

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I confirm ggab report:
With alpha52 opening videos takes much time, but when opened the video plays normally.

In System Shock 2 the player and the world are shown correctly, but the hud flickers
my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


Try testing the video / overlay issues with different setting of 3tile tripple buffer support and different AA/SLI settings.



i have a voodoo4 (evilking agp)

"3tile tripple buffer support"

the exe file, i guess, no?
but it is not in SfftAlpha52.zip anymore.....

also, i can't use setup.exe to install, because in my spanish XPsp2:

Device Driver Installation Wizard
The current language is not supported by the Device Driver Installation Wizard.

Contact the vendor that provided you this package.

PS: i can't swicht  AA/SLI... (only v5&v6)


open  dpinst.xml  in  the driver package you can see:
<language code="0x0409">

"409"  means english
I use chinese XPsp2 my language code is 0x804
when i change it I can use setup.exe  
but I don't know spanish?c?c

I have same video play and the PDF read slow problem
I back to SFFT alpha 51


~999mhz Pentium 3
512 MB RAM (not sure what kind of RAM)
3dfx Voodoo 5
Windows XP SP2

I was unable to run World of Warcraft due to Blizzard not supporting Voodoo Cards. After I installed the SFFT Driver I was able to log in and play.

Although the game does not perform well on my Legacy Hardware, the driver at least allows me to run the game.


V5500 PCI+SFFT A52+Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2:

I know 2k3 isn't officialy supported but had anyone tried it? Maybe is there well known workaround I missed...


my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


here are my results with Alpha 52 :

to run the installer on a german windows,
open dpinst.xml in the driver package and change
<language code="0x0409">
<language code="0x0407">

With Alpha 52 the flickering problem in Battle for Middle Earth is gone, but now I get the following error sometimes :
Image Insert:

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The behaviour in Codename Panzers:Phase 2 is the same as with Alpha 51, but now I get nasty slowdowns in the battle, the game pauses for about 1 second every 5 seconds, then continues.

Max Payne 2 shows some flickering now that was not there before, also the SLI bug in 1600x1200 with V5-6000 is still there.

All other games I tested behave exactly like they did with Alpha 51.


benna> Hi, was your advice for me?
I'm nV user, that means Forcewares. Does primary adapter's driver affect SFFT behaviour?


yes, i had the same problem; i solved downgrading catalyst to version 6.9, but if you have nvidia maybe the problem is another one
my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


benna> Awsome! Thanks man. I removed FWs and after a bit of meddling with primary/secondary adapter settings in Windows (I won't need nV in this OS, I just didn't want to physicaly remove card from comp or change BIOS settings everytime) it flawlessly started. I owe you one, cheers.


did some tests with various releases (A48-A53),mainly with older games with focus on overall compatibility rather than few new D3D games,this is what I got (last release I was using was A47):

-no more d3d FSAA problems,very nice (this was busted badly in A47).
-glide/opengl controls are back in 3dfx tools,veery comfortable (opengl/glide tabs missing problem was there since A37).

but (there is always a but) I cant seem to get glide2x running ok no matter what,games either refuse to run (incubation) or show horribly garbled screen (unreal tournament).using original glide2x from 3dfx used to fix that,but it seems like its not compatible with the driver anymore-it crashes (or locks up) the games instantly.tried to track the problem,and it seems like the last release that works ok with any glide2x is A41.played a little file switching as well (tried to use newer 3dfxvs.dll in the A41 driver),no use,as long as I have newer core than A41,glide2x goes bye-bye.

guys,is somebody able to run unreal tournament in glide2x mode on anything newer than A41?


the glide3x it is very good, better than koolsmoky driver release



glide3x seems to work fine all the time (hitman1 agrees),its just glide2x that refuses to cooperate.


Battle for Middle Earth does not start with Alpha 53, I get an error message and the desktop is set to 4bit colour.
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