Sveta-2002 the rebuild of my beloved 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP PC :)

Started by Obi-Wan Kenobi, 24 March 2016, 14:57:38

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

Hello all :)

It has been a long time that I have posted something new here and yes I have been out of it since 2011 I think, ah well, I did manage to reobtain my old 3dfx Voodoo5 5500/6000 system, and here is how I got it, renovated it cleaned and rebuilt it, first with the ASUS A7V333-R Rev 1.02 and later on I bought an EPoX EP-8K3A+ Rev 1.2  from daywhite_01 from he even renovated the 8K3A+ with new capacitors so hay I am back ya know, and I have to admit I missed all of you here, I hope all is going well.

Here a new rebuild and cleanup I did the entire day to 3AM in the morning xD
It's that AthlonXP 2700+ I used to use during my 3dfx days and it's also this system I ran the Legendary Voodoo5 5000 AGP's PCI and 6000 AGP in as well.
The 6000 AGP was used in an other mainboard though, the EPoX EP-8K3A+ that was, I still seek one of these, so if anyone can help me, please send me a PM :)

This system was used by my uncle Herman, since he had a stroke not so long ago, he could not use the computer anymore and he wanted me to have it back  :love:  
So I took this wonderful opportunity and thereby planned to make it reborn as my die hard 3dfx Voodoo5 gaming PC :)

But now this system is back in it's full self again, fully restored and renovated all the parts are like new as well, the operating system of choice is the obvious one I always loved using:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional UK + Service Pack 4, this OS is super stable with this setup as with the 8K3A+ as well, it does what I need it to do, and that makes it complete  8)

So here the pics I Made as I went along with this fun project :)

Sveta-2002 before Treatment it looked utterly gross and needed an urgent vital cleanup, ewww [:0]

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It also only had 1x 1GB Kingston Hyper X PC-3200 good I Kept my 1x 1GB Corsair XMS Platinum PC-3200 module, so now is has 2x 1GB :)

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That awkward fan mounting I did years ago, my gawd I removed that crap  :topmodel: cries

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Le Heatsink iz Le Gross Doh xDDD

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Here that chanceless CPU fan, Man oh man! I removed this senseless blue fan thing  :bonk:

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Here the cleaned heatsink :) Nais and shineeezz xD Dat V5 Doh :D

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My AMD AthlonXP 2700+ Thoroughbred-B @ 2167Mhz and an L2 of 256KB, this used to be my dad's CPU as he bought it with his desktop during  a PC Prive Project via Recontec BV, hos old job.

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For the ones that don't have a manual and want to remember our the IO Panel is connected, Just make a picture of your current settings , this helped me remember  :topmodel:

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Here I started work on the SB Audigy2 Live Drive:

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Never mind the bent stuff if it works why fix it xD It's been like that since 2002, so norries there doh, I just cleaned it doh xDD :)

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Here the SB Audigy2 Platinum + Live Drive after Treatment :)

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Like new again  8) The Audigy2 is a good card still even today, it's not as good as the X-Fi but still does a decent job for music and games :)

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Here a card I bought from Maktek from, I still have his old card, here it is after I cleaned him up :)

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Headshot of this beauty <3 [:X]

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As you can see it's a Rev.A 2500, Week 25, Year 2000, this card is almost 16 years old rofl :D  

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And still it looks good, no wear nothing, cleaning hardware makes it live the longest ;)

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And here the network card I use a Realtek:

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That were all the parts separately here all the parts cleaned for the 3dfx PC, there was also a Leadtek A400 AGP 128MB 256Bit DDR Rev.A 0428 (Final Revision, Year 2004, Week 28.) as well which I also cleaned, so here the pics of that before I Continue with the rest of the build.
So here I also cleaned this GeForce 6800 AGP 128MB DDR for my VGA card collection, it just looks cool and it too needed a good cleanup :)

Here the Leadtek A400 before treatment, I seen worse but I did it so it looks nicer in my collection of clean VGA cards :)

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Here I cleaned the plastic shroud parts of the HSF with Hot water and Dreft:

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And here a cleaned A400 AGP , like new again :)

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Here a nice angled shot I took of this nice card :)

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Here a closeup of it's NV40 GPU :) This GPU has 12 Pixel Shaders and 5 Vertex Shaders, it's not like the GT, Ultra or Ultra Extreme that have 16 Pixel Shaders and 6 Vertex Shaders, this one has a laser cut die

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Here the A400 ready for reassembly

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And a clean other side as well :)

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When mounting the heatsink to the GPU make sure those four holes align with the long sticking out screws on the PCB:

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These spring screws hold the entire thing together :)

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And here the cleaned result :)

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This Leadtek A400 AGP 120MB DDR looks like new again! :D

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Cleaned rear side. all that copper <333 [:X]

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And nice Leadtek logo shot :)

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Here a nice headshot I made of this beautiful GeForce 6800 AGP 128MB :)

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And back to that AthlonXP 2700+ system :)

Here all the main parts in a cleaned up state, CPU, System Ram, Mobo, VGA, Sound & Network Card:

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Here at an angled show, all these parts look kind of like new to some point  :D

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Here I did a test fit setup, of what it might be like:

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Doing this gives me a first impression of how it will look like, before reassembly of the entire system [8D]

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I just used an old Dell laptop box, just make sure you have a cardboard underground thereby avoiding damage to the underside of the mainboard.

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Here a final shot, it is kind of art to some sense as well :) <3 [8D]

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After all the parts I Started to work further on the Case, the NEC Floppy Drive & NEC DVD Rewriter the Seagate Baracuda V 120GB  7200.7 rpm ATA-133 HDD  and the HIPRO 300 Watt PSU.

Here the cleaned case :)

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Here an other angle of this UBER cleaned case :)

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Here the IO Drives cleaned up ready for system reassembly :)

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The AMD AthlonXP 2700+ is applied with Noctua NT-H1 Thermal Compound, I use this stuff for almost everything, never had an issue with it yet :topmodel: Yeee xD

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And here it is the entire system completed renovated like new again, Okay I did forget some dust on that CPU fan lel, whaps! xD :topmodel:

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Might be weathering lel, but yeah for the rest this system is lovely :love:

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Here an undershot I took when I crouched on the floor :) Made this cool shot :)

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I remained crouched to make this closeup of the V5 :)

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And there ya have it, all neatly built in and clean looking :D Now it can last a few more years I am hoping :)

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And here the final shot I made before I went to install Win2K Pro + SP4 :)

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Anyways I hope you all enjoyed my little 3dfx comeback here , this was very good exercise as well  [8D]
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy

Obi-Wan Kenobi

This system is getting a sweet little upgrade , a the motherboard goes :)

Behold the Legendary EpoX EP-8K3A+ Rev 1.2   8)

Top View + Retention Bracket

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Top view  only board:

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Rear view:

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Northbridge Heatskink + New Capacitors closeup

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Debug Leds

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Major thanks for Daywhite_81 from for helping me out for that mobo [8D]

The EPoX EP-8K3A+ is the best motherboard with the VIA Apollo KT333 Chipset that can be used with all six revisions of the 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Engineering Samples
which are the following cards:

3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A0 0700 + Comdex 2x2 Dummy board

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3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A1 1500

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3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A2 2600

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3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A3 3400

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3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A 3700

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3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP 128MB Rev.A 3900

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Here I have built in the EPoX EP-8KTA3+ Rev 1.2 in the system [8D]

That went fine as you can see here:

Here the Motherboard neatly built in:

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Here from a different perspective:

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Here I Zoomed in a bit just showing the Mobo and all the cards neatly in place:

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Here I took a shot showing the V5's fans and the other cards from the other side:

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Here the front view of Sveta-2002:

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And the back panel:

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Until this happened xD [B)] :D

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All in all, Win2K Pro USA + SP4 & RU1 for SP4 is installed and all is running great

After this I fixed the Floppy it was connected correctly only the Onboard FDC was disabled, FDC short for Floppy Disk Controller.
As for that no 80 pin Flat Cable issue, the one I use now for my HDD seems to be 40 pins, so I need to get 80pins to replace that.
Secondly a new case & PSU will also be purchased to give this system a new home, a new look and better airflow is also welcome.
All that with Blue & Yellow 30cm CCFL' s from Sharkoon for the fancy finishing touch  :topmodel:

This will be a new PC with a retro insides, the Case will be a Lian Li PC-7HWX
Stay tuned for lots more on this upgrade.

Now I am enjoying DXX-Rebirth 0.58.1 with a fix for Win2K Users my Voodoo5 5500 AGP does 130 -140 fps @ 1024 x 768 x32 maxed out settings :)

You can see the V5 5500 AGP in running D1X-Rebirth 0.58.1 under Win2K Pro + SP4 & Ru1 for SP4 here:

Feels like home again playing on this system  :love:  :D

Here that topic where I got the fix from :),2095.msg22073.html#msg22073
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy


Hi Obi,

many thanks for this thread as well as for your beautiful 3dfx-based systems. And, at last but not least, please use a LCD monitor with VGA input for the Voodoo 6k! :)

Bye bye

Obi-Wan Kenobi

QuoteOriginally posted by Glide

Hi Obi,

many thanks for this thread as well as for your beautiful 3dfx-based systems. And, at last but not least, please use a LCD monitor with VGA input for the Voodoo 6k! :)

Bye bye
Well I do seek an EIZO S2000 this is a 20.1" 4:3 S-PVA TFT that is 8ms :)
These do 1600 x 1200 x32 and that would be the ideal screen to use for a V6K.

Even though now I don't have a V6K yet, just a 5K5 AGP, but that is okay for now, I have no rush this this thing anyways.

If there are any upgrades or changes I will add posts of them :)
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Hey all :)

Well I replaced the CMOS batter, it's 3.20 volts now always better than 2.76 Volts ;)


After running Unreal + Return to Na Pali + Final Release Patch 2.26 with 3dfx Glide API + FSAA x4, here some wonderful screenshots I made along the way :)

The Crashed Vortex Rikers Prison ship!


Vortex Rikers NC114-85EKLS


The lovely lake down there :D


How these Tyderium Crystals were made was pretty awesome for it's day they even gave a certain Glow Flow effect, was really neat :)


Tyderium Crystals also give a very cool blue glow effect


Here I was able to screenshot that flowing effect, which caused a flow effect on the flow as it radiated it's glow:


One of my faved maps in the game Map 06 - Temple of Chizra:


This room was also nice, lovely lighting effects as well:


Unreal has a very ambient yet atmospheric feel to it, not many games achieved this, which makes Unreal unique:


A Portal which takes you back to the place where you can go to Map 07 -Temple of Chizra Ceremonial:


Level design was very nice as were details on certain surfaces like that door down there [8D]


A Room with Lava, the orange mist was done to simulate the heat coming from the lava also how the lava glow lights up this room, as being the main light source, that too was a good idea :)


Here my final resting point a secret room a safe room in general:


All in all Unreal is still amazing even to this very day , this game is a good 18 years old now but still  just by playing it again, it's still one of the best single player game ever made [8D]
I will gladly make more screenshots as I play this and I will keep you posted [:o)]
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy


Obi-Wan Kenobi

QuoteOriginally posted by ms-dos

What??? only one cpu??????

Nice system By the way
Yeah man , plenty of 1CPU builds that have a V5 5500 AGP or 6000 AGP in em, goes just fine :)

And most game of the 3dfx days had little to zero 2CPU support so for that part, this runs great and thanks for your kind post, been a while I seen you too ms-dos, how ya been man?
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy


Been fine, working on a dual Piii setup, I'll post it when Im done.

it will have 2 1.4ghz piii-s a x850xt and 2 12mb voodoo2's. and a AWE64 gold.

I'm not the biggest fan of the 64 gold, to much of an airy and tin can sound too it. But it's a no nonsice card that seems to work with everything.
I guess I could mod the card to get it sounding better.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

QuoteOriginally posted by ms-dos

Been fine, working on a dual Piii setup, I'll post it when Im done.

it will have 2 1.4ghz piii-s a x850xt and 2 12mb voodoo2's. and a AWE64 gold.

I'm not the biggest fan of the 64 gold, to much of an airy and tin can sound too it. But it's a no nonsice card that seems to work with everything.
I guess I could mod the card to get it sounding better.
*ugh* I don't agree on that with the AWE64 Gold, nothing can match it's Midi music quality, not even in a long shot.
EMU8000 was superior for that part ;) Also most support in games the Plug 'n' Play part was extremely good, this was when Creative made quality hardware imo, I have both AWE64 Golds the CT 4390 and the extremely rare and very hard to find CT4540

CT4390 & CT 4540 top:


CT4390 & CT 4540 rear:


CT4390 & CT 4540 headshot a:


CT4390 & CT 4540 headshot b:


If General Audio was your thing get a Vortex 2 and get over it ;)
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