Quick Questions..

Started by IamMEDIEVAL, 15 October 2004, 20:55:03

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1)  Does 3d-analyze only work on Voodoos?
2)  Someone at this other forum told me that 3d-analyze can sometimes mess up your graphics card and/or computer... because the program makes your graphics card do things its not meant to do... so can it mess up your computer?
 I have a decent compaq (haha i know) with a geforce4 mx 4000 graphics card (haha i know again..) but i bought it so that i could play final fantasy xi.. well at first b/4 i ran the 3d-analyzer the graphics would sometimes flash out.. making it really hard to play.. but when i was suggested to use 3d-analyzer it fixed the problem.. but i don't want it to mess up the computer.



Dont worry, wont harm your computer at all ;)