Mesa+Serious Sam

Started by piriu, 16 January 2004, 21:26:09

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Am instalat Mesa, Quake III merge O.K. dar Serious Sam (si SE) nu functioneaza. Nu pornesc si afiseaza "Cannot set display mode" (pare a fi o problema cu formatul texturilor). O problema similara am avut in Quake III, dar am rezolvat-o prin mici modificari in fisierul de tip .ini


Ciao, piriu!

Incerca sa postezi in engleza, te rog! Se prea poate ca problema ta sa fie o problema intalnita si de altii! Daca nu te descurci cu engleza, trimite-mi un email, si-ti voi raspunde!

Try to post in english, please. Your problem might be encountered by other people, as well! If you can't handle english, try to email me, and I shall reply to you ASAP!

Also, please try to post on MesaFX official thread! It'll be simpler for me.

And to answer you: I had the same problems with SSam2. Unfortunately, I can't remember how I fixed it. It has to do with some windoze crap, which I can't stand, btw!

I shall investigate and get back to you.
Daniel Borca