Need for Speed Underground and Voodoo 3 3000

Started by hi-octane, 11 May 2004, 00:33:15

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Is there a way to run underground with 16mb voodoo 3 card?
I have AmigaSport 3.0 under winxp...and last original drivers in win98
I´m running in Athlon 1.1Ghz


Up to now no progress has been made for this game. Seems it requires DXTC, a friend's TNT2[:X] cant't play it either (although it starts)


Windows XP makes this even worse, it won't run on a V4/5 under XP either.
When the sun goes down, the music turns up...

Windows XP Pro|Athlon XP 1800+|Voodoo 5 5500 AGP|MSI K7T266-A|768MB DDR 2700 RAM|SonicEdge 5.1 Sound Card


I'v got VooDoo3 3000 and I couldn't find any drivers on which the NFS:U would start. also I tried mikpedo 1.1 drivers with fake DXTC compression included, but no way - game instantly crashed. I was using win98se.

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