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Messages - saint_germain

i will post the solution tips for some one who have the same `problem and wants to make his own vga cable

I came from studying, and put my hands on.
I use the followings parts:
an dvi-vga converter
a vga header from an old Socket 7 board
soldering iron
vinil tape
angular amolator

I cuted all plastics from the dvi-vga conv and put the dvi conn naked
. quited all pins from dvi conn and putted in the right order.
whit the amolator, cut of the opposite side to the ``+´´ pin form (only the metal wall)
next, dissasembled the vga header and peeled the cables marked in the table
solder all cables to corresponding pins of the dvi header
isolated with vinil tape and connected to the card.
this solution is temporal and onli is for get video from the card, because i dont´have enough pins to connect the other things.
it take me about of 3 hours, because peel the dvi conn with a cutter is hard and im afraid to damage the conn
Please, forgive my bad english,i only can read good, but write is hard for me.
now is the 2 of the morning and i get asleep on the pc.
if the moderator wants a detailed guide, please sen me a message and i will put a good guide, not a reference like this
You don´t know how much happy I was!
Sincerelly, thanks!
I Hope you got it!
Really thanks! :)
Nobody knows something?
Please, help me.
Hi, last month, I´ve buyed a voodoo 3500 tv, but without the cable pod. searching on the web, i can´t find the cable pinout, someone has the pìnout?
I Knows something of electronic, so i can solder the cables, but i dont know where!
Plese, help me.
Thanks in advance!