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Messages - CrisXed

I'm new to this forum and all, so please help me out with this...
I just bought 2 voodoo 2 cards with 12 MB along with the sli cable (on ebay) [I'm attaching the picture of what I bought].

I'm going to setup a system with a Pentium 3 or Celeron processor along with the 2 video cards. I want to set them up with the SLI technology, but I've never done this and I have no idea how to do it. I'd like to know any recommendations on how to do this, or if there's a guide somewhere I'd be eternally grateful if you could give me a link to it...

If there were a digital version of the manual to the graphic cards, that would be great!

I'd also like to know if you recommend any particular OS to work with the cards.

Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
