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Messages - just_me

So you don't know that Quantum 3D made an AGP version of the Voodoo 2 because AGP had 66 MHz and so it ran faster (you needed a PCI video card for 2D).
I was wondering how much bandwith the Banshee actually uses. And the V5 6000 - I've seen people making V5 5500s for AGP 4x by cutting into the connector, but. As you can read here:
apparently AGP 2x has the same bandwith as PCI-X 66 MHz, 64-bit. But I know Banshee was also made for the regular PCI, 32-bit, 33 MHz, which is behind AGP 1x.
My question would be if the Banshee would get bottlenecked by PCI Express x1.
Hi everyone,

As the title says, I have a dead Voodoo 2. It's a pity, too, because I also have another identical one and used them in a SLI setup.

The card is detected by Windows (I use both '98 and XP), the drivers are installed correctly, games sometimes even start (for example I started the 3dfx Descent 1 and the music played) but there is only a black screen. Because of that, I think it's not really a chipset issue, but maybe a ram issue (or maybe some capacitors on the board are dead).

If there is anyone good enough to at least tell me what needs to be changed, I'll send the card via mail. Please help.

General Discussions / Stay Tuned..
16 October 2007, 03:54:02
I don't know if I'm raising the dead by replying, but the last post was from 2005. How about it, are these still being worked on ? I need TWO ! :D
osckhar, where did you get the AGP2PCI bridge ? I would need two of those since I have two old AGP 3dfx cards and nowhere to insert them :D

Please, please please ? :)