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Messages - bassmark

Rolo, thank you very much for the program. It flashed my card's BIOS. However it seems that the board is damaged or something, because all I can see is some kind of zig-zagged mosaic stuff, and strange lines, nothing readable. I tried to change resolutions, install different driverrs, but all i'm getting is a very strange display, and then the blue screen.
Oh well, we tried. THanx again for your help.

I have a similar card, but mine has an additional DV out. Unfortunately it was made for MAC. Is there any way to flash the bios so it can be used in a PC? I already tried the flash utility and the 115PCI bios, booted from DOS, but it gives me an error... something about banshee or Voodoo3 not found in my system.
Can someone help me please?
Thanks in advance.