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Messages - a19957143

I forgot my configuration: P III 800 Mhz 640 MB Ram, an Inel Motherboard with Slot 1 socket, and a Voodoo5 5500.
Hello, I just bought a Voodoo5 AGP from EBay, and have been experimenting some compatibility problems with the drivers, like SFFT 33 version works almost perfect, AM works very buggy, even the screen saver doesn't show itself right. When I upgrade to newer versions of SFFT I use to have more problems. For example, with SFFT 45/46, I cannot start any OpenGL at ALL. Version 40 seems to work, but when I play Jedi Academy and I try to use pull or push force, the game crash the machine return to Windows with an error message. The last and most troubling thing is that when I programmed to turn off the monitor after 20 min, and obviously the screen saver is running; the machine can't turn off the monitor and go back to the desktop, but if the screen saver is not running it turn off right.

I would appreciate any suggestions

