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Messages - Darkmane

Voodoo4/5 Discussions / UT2003 and Opengl
27 April 2003, 00:54:55
I was just wondering: Is there anyway I can play UT2003 in Opengl?

When I try to do it I get the following error message:

UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2003-02-13_18.53]

OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 2405 MHz with 511MB RAM
Video: 3Dfx/Voodoo5 (tm) SLI/2 TMUs/32 MB SDRAM/ICD (Jan 16 2001)/GxpOGL Build 0106

GL_EXT_bgra not supported - bailing out.

History: UOpenGLRenderDevice::SetRes <- UWindowsViewport::TryRenderDevice <- UWindowsViewport::OpenWindow <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine

I also have some other questions that I would be really happy to have them  answered (if possible):

1) Is it possible to play the game with "3d Analyze 2.16a"? What settings?

2) Comparing the game with a Voodoo 5500 (mine) and a Geforce4 mx440 (a friend's) I have noticed that some effects are not rendered with the Voodoo. Is there anyway to get them to work? (that's the reason for my interest in 3d Analyze)

Thanks for your atention,
