Since I tried to look for this info before purchasing cards, but didn't find anywhere, I'll post it here.
The following configuration works flawlessly in Windows 98 with FastVoodoo 4.6:
-Trust Dragon 2, 12MB Voodoo2 card
-Innovision (Inno 3D) Mighty 3DII, 12MB Voodoo2 card
The Glide games work with Trust drivers, but D3D doesn't without the "mismatched cards" -driver.
The following configuration works flawlessly in Windows 98 with FastVoodoo 4.6:
-Trust Dragon 2, 12MB Voodoo2 card
-Innovision (Inno 3D) Mighty 3DII, 12MB Voodoo2 card
The Glide games work with Trust drivers, but D3D doesn't without the "mismatched cards" -driver.