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Messages - neoV32000

Happy Holidays! :D

I have booted my PC from a floppy disk(Win ME boot disk) and folowed the procedure that is discribed on this site(boot->type flash xxxx.rom->...).
My mobo is: Gigabyte GA-6wmmc7-1
My drivers are: Amigasport 3.0

Can somebody tell me more about my graphic card?Specifications,how good it is,what can it do and more stuff like this!

P.S. What is vsa 100?
I tried to update my Voodoo 3 2000 PCI graphic cards bios and i got the following massage:

"There is no build information for the selected hardware. Continue(y/n)?"

My current rom is 1.00.01sd.I tried to update to 2k11sd using flash utility ver 2.14(the stuff i downloaded from this site).

Can somebody help me whit this?

Another question: what drivers do you think i should use for my voodoo?
I have a win xp,288sd ram,sblive 5.1 celeron 550mhz(poor i know,but for me it fly's :) ).