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Messages - Geri

thankyou all ^^
Voodoo Rampage support has been added to TitaniumGL

TitaniumGL for Windows98:

3dfx Voodoo Rampage (Spectre) 1000/2000 support has been added to the driver.

-Max 256x256 textures on Rampage - Rampage only have 9 mbyte of RAM accessible, so TitaniumGL limits the maximal texture size with this small amout of RAM

-Dont forget to have Directx9 installed. Without that, TitaniumGL will not load.


-Donation: if you like the rampage driver, or titaniumgl at all, a small donation would be greatly appreciated! you can send sonations through paypal at pressing the paypal button on the webpage on the download page. you can see my paypal adress inside that panel, and if you want to send more than 3 euro, you can send the money directly to that paypal adress. donators get ad-free license key.



General Discussions / ThunderGL
30 September 2013, 01:50:52
sorry, i dont have the file any more, and this project is totally discontinued. if i may ask the moderators, to please make it unsticky.

or maybe to delete it at all, since it never resulted any usable manifestation, and people are mistaking it with my new opengl implementations due to the very similar name.
Well i got a sblive wich i have buyd lot of years ago. I still using it. Its crap. I hear the bass bit quantation in the earphones with it. But much better than most of the integrated stuffs, where there is not even BASS exist. But if you able to buy some cards with later version Crystal chipset, then buy that. Sounds LOT better.
IF somebody use TitaniumGL and updated to SFFT 1.6, then MUST update to the last TitaniumGL version (2011_05). Old version is not compatible any more.
General Discussions / ThunderGL
19 October 2010, 18:21:49
new version released
General Discussions / ThunderGL
28 May 2010, 14:36:59
oh thundergl is discontinued, what you should test, is titaniumgl as you can read before. but i was too lazy to create a new topic to it :D
General Discussions / ThunderGL
20 May 2010, 17:57:00

Yes, i still coding drivers for 3dfx cards, and a good tester, or atleast a felow with can speak about drivers are always good!

please give me your msn address (if you dont has: skype) and you can help to test!

General Discussions / ThunderGL
15 May 2010, 16:17:25

That .inf is created by SFFT, i only changed the opengl driver in the driver. Inf related problems should be reported to SFFT.
General Discussions / ThunderGL
12 May 2010, 23:10:36
read more infos and download TitaniumDFX:
General Discussions / ThunderGL
03 May 2010, 14:50:26
Hi! The reply to your questions is very long, so please pick me up on msn or skype, and i will tell you everything!
SuperFurryFurryThing please pick me up on some IM if you use one:

msn: gerilegend (@) freemail dot hu

icq: 428333374 (if you pick up me on icq please send me somehow your number)

skype: geri_lgfx

General Discussions / ThunderGL
18 March 2010, 23:58:03
XXXXXXXXXXXX is my new opengl driver arhitecture. It is a full opengl implementation, coded by myself. It is multiplatform: its compatible with windows and linux. XXXXXXXXXXXX is a modular driver. The rendering module currently uses CPU cores to render, perhaps this is the first public working multithreaded-multicpu opengl renderer ever... or not :P

TitaniumDFX will be a version of XXXXXXXXXXXX. In TitaniumDFX, ewerything is the same like in XXXXXXXXXXXX, except that the rendering and texturing will be doed with 3dfx hardware acceleration with Glide. Every 3dfx card will be compatible.

-XXXXXXXXXXXX project is related to mesa. Mesa is a famous project, but able to single core software rendering only.
-XXXXXXXXXXXX, of course, fully independent from mesa. XXXXXXXXXXXX only uses code and modules coded by me.
-XXXXXXXXXXXX is not a wrapper.
-TitaniumDFX needs stronger CPU in 3dfx mode. Many features of 3dfx cards will be emulated.
-TitaniumDFX's game compatibility with the great old opengl games is mutch lower than other 3dfx card opengl drivers, it is probably much slower than them. XXXXXXXXXXXX is focused to run tons of small freeware and shareware opengl games of todays, istead of running the old AAA games.
-TitaniumDFX is not a priority. XXXXXXXXXXXX is. But becouse of modularity, TitaniumDFX can have the bugfixes of XXXXXXXXXXXX immediately.
-OpenGL version number is 1.3, and i am not plan to expand it currently.
-ALL Donations are welcome. Serious, becouse of the huge time what a full opengl implementation needs to be created. Paypal accepted, can be accesed on
-TitaniumDFX is freeware.

-RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, tons of others support
-True color rendering (not in 3dfx mode of course)
-Texture support up to 4096x4096 (3dfx of c. will be downscaled)
-vertex arrays
-Display Lists
-Frame buffer image draw supported (eeeeek)
-triangle, quad, quad strip, triangle strip, triangle fan & friends works. Rendering is triangle based.
-vertex coloring works
-alpha blending (most common cases works fine)
-SSE and 3dnow! optimized drivers can be compiled
-Quake2, Half Life, xmoto, and most of nehe tutorials running with suitable speed. Minor bugs.