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Messages - Bobby

Video Game Screenshots / Doom3 + Voodoo2_Patch_v1_0
26 November 2004, 01:41:36

thanks for the nice work.

I installed the patch Doom3_V2_Patch_v1_0.exe

when I put opengl32.dll from wickedgl 3.02 into the doom3 folder, i get an error saying glide3x.dll will not load.  if i use the current opengl32.dll from the system32 folder (not from wicked gl 3.02) and copy it into the doom3 folder, it starts to load and i get another error message that says
Doom3 has encountered a problem and needs to close.

I am using WinXP SP1, does this patch only work with Win98SE?
i am trying this on a P2 with 128M Ram, and voodoo 3 2000 16M

opengl32.dll  wickedgl 3.02 version is 268KB
opengl32.dll  current version is 670KB

Does this patch work with the Doom3 v1.1 patch?
if it does, do I install  your Doom3_V2_Patch_v1_0.exe BEFORE installing the doom3 v1.1 patch, or AFTER?

I have never used wickedgl before, do i need to activate it?

thanks for any help