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Messages - napalm3dfx

Voodoo2 Discussions / 2 Voodoo2 SLI 8MB
27 October 2004, 18:30:10
QuoteYes you can if you have a SLI cable.
Really? Excellent news... :D Ah, and yes... I have the SLI cable too!!!
Voodoo2 Discussions / 2 Voodoo2 SLI 8MB
27 October 2004, 17:26:39
Hello! :D

I have a little question: I have bought 2 V2 8Mb (Creative), Can I do set them on SLI?
25 October 2004, 19:46:03
QuoteI failed also.
BAD NEWS... [:(]
Games / UT2003 and Voodoo3
25 October 2004, 19:36:33
For to see the AVG FPS using the demo OVERKILL (UT2003). How I must do it? I have wrote TIMEDEMO 1 on the CONSOLE, but it gives a MISTAKE. Is to say, I would like to see the AVERAGE FPS to the end the timedemo! I have utilized on the console STAT FPS, but I don't like this, I want to know exactly the AVG FPS!
25 October 2004, 19:32:39
Is possible to play to the SPLINTERCELL? I have tried the Evolutions Drivers as SFFt Alpha 15, and nothing.
¿What is the best Glide3x.dll for you?
QuoteUH, V5 5500 and 6000 use 8MB chips so you'd need 16MB chips, not 32
You are right, sorry for this little mistake! [:I]
QuoteHi All,

I am going to start working on VSA 100 based projects (mods).

I would like to get some feedback, what you would like to see first.

1) V5 AGP 4X slot support
2) V5 more memory
3) 2x V5 SLI
4) 2x V5 6000 SLI

What did happen with this MARAVELOUS IDEA???? They Are cancelled off?

1) If I am not wrong this is not possible...
2) Is possible, but is very difficult to find mem (CHIP 32MB, 5ns and with the same PINOUT)

3) I like so much this option. [8D] Is feasible to put 2V5 PCI on SLI? This would be great!!! Perhaps this SLI must to be across SOFTWARE... I don't konw!!!Some new news about this?

4) To dream...

Please Hanksemenec, keep up the good work!!!

ps. Sorry for my POOR English!!!
QuoteWhy not use win2000/XP though? With SFFT's Alpha drivers everything is faster, more compatible and stable now
I have already a dual boot, and I am utilizing the SFFT Alpha drivers, but I want to see the deference between the best driver under Windows XP and the best under Windows 98SE!!! Only for curiosity!!!;)

What is the best driver for V3 under Win98SE? I have a dual boot (WinXP&Win98SE). Under XP I am utilizing SFFT Aplha 14, but for Win98SE I don't know what driver to utilize...
QuoteI have fixed the intro movie problem in the alpha 15 which is on its way.
Where is the Alpha 15 for to be downloaded? At the moment just is  available the Alpha 14 ( I haven't patience!!!;)


Yesterday I tried the UT2004 DEMO and it works 'well' under WinXP & V3 3500 with SFFT Alpha 13 and D3D!!! :D

I have a V3 3500 Compaq with not TV-TURNER, and yesterday night I tried to install it, but I could not do it, because the .INF has not the PCI\VEN for this card. Later, I will post the PCI\VEN and so If you wish, you can to add this for the next lauching SFFT Alpha 15 for V3 3500.;)

About UT2003 & Voodoo3,

I have tried this game under D3D (Alpha SFFT 13 Driver V3), and It works perfectly, but I have seen that the aim point or bead is blurred and almost imperceptible at first sight!

ps. Excellent Driver, SFFT! :D
(sorry for my bad English)

Take Care,
Games / UT2003 and Voodoo3
05 October 2004, 10:36:36
Quote(napalm3Dfx already knows, and is playing right now )
Thanks to osckhar, I have played to the UT2003 in mode D3D under WinXP... ;)
And Now, I would like to try UT2003 in OpenGL. I have hearing  that this game runs better in D3D (more FPS and better quality). In mode OpenGL is more slow, and bad quality... :( Anyway, What MesaFX I must to try?

Hello Glide,

Please, to add this:
Download Attachment: napalm3Dfx.jpg
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ps. Very nice Forum
