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Messages - Kremit

win98 SE,
pentium II 350, 64MB RAM, Voodoo banshee.
Games / Glide files & Unreal Tournament
01 April 2004, 17:03:06
the message is:

Crtitical Error
Assertion failed: ExpectedPointer == Cache Memory + MemTotal[File:C:\UTDev\Core\Src\Uncache.cpp] [Line: 256]

History: 1 <- FMemCahce::CheckState <- FMemCache::Init <- FGlideTMU::Init
<- UGlideRenderDevice::Init <- UWindowsViewport::TryRenderDevice <- UwindowsViewport::OpenWindow <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine

I'll try replacing the files in the UT folder, thx.
Games / Glide files & Unreal Tournament
31 March 2004, 02:16:21

I just istalled the evolution banshee driver (of the bansheeteam), and directX9.
I tried to play unreal tournament (the old one, not 2003), and I get this critical error: "assertion failed: Expected pointer....."

I tried replacing the glide2x.dll and glide3x.dll with other verions, but none of them worked, either i get an error, or the computer freezes, or the game starts but the screen goes black and i only hear the music.

what can i do?
can i improve my system further? (openGL or V.something 1.82 and stuff, i didnt really look into how it works...).


I just istalled the evolution banshee driver (of the bansheeteam), and directX9.
I tried to play unreal tournament (the old one, not 2003), and I get this critical error: "assertion failed: Expected pointer....."

I tried replacing the glide2x.dll and glide3x.dll with other verions, but none of them worked, either i get an error, or the computer freezes, or the game starts but the screen goes black and i only hear the music.

what can i do?
can i improve my system further? (openGL or V.something 1.82 and stuff, i didnt really look into how it works...).
