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Messages - Bluin

Newbie questions:

I have Cookies allowed for the site yet the sign in dialogue remains at the top of the page and I have to sign in again every time I want to post, edit my profile etc. Is there something wrong with my cookies are is this the same for everyone?

Is the failure for session cookies to work the reason why there is no 'My Subscriptions' links or icons (shown in the FAQ) on any of the pages that I see?

General Discussions / MesaFX
05 February 2004, 01:08:32
Off Topic:

'If people are shooting at you, you must be doing something right'

This quote currently applies directly to all sections of the open source communities on the web.


On Topic:

I started playing with the NWN Voodoo setup yesterday.

I have a Voodoo 3 3500 AGP (AMD 500MHZ cpu, (I'm poor and stubborn)) and AmigaMerlin drivers downloaded from this site.

I get the white screens with the current Mesa opengl.dll.

I know what the screens should be as I have used GLDirect's OpenGL-to-DirectX wrapper to run NWN in the past. If you guess your way through the screens using the software mouse (or swap in GLDirect opengl32.dll) you can set up a game. Using Mesa you can then run this game. The software mouse works properly and smoothly. The game runs at about 3fps+. Out-of-game option screens are white.

Something is stopping Mesa rendering the option screens (irrespective of the use of AmigaMerlin etc. drivers used. There are reports of this problem on the web dating back to last August.

Can the problem be identified?
Can the option screeen rendering requirements be identified?
Can the option screen textures be simplified or removed?

I have tried the 3DAnalyze program to see if it could run NWN, but it always crashes.

On the whole concept of the Mesa developement;

As far as I know, 3DFX's act of providing the open source community with the 3DFX video driver source was a unique act that showed this company's commitment to its customers. Those who now invest their time and effort in making sure that this oppurtunity is not squandered, and who stay true to the original intent of 3DFX's gift are worthy of respect.

The motives of people who spam is this thread are very suspect. (Is that you again Mr. Gates?)