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Messages - piriu

Voodoo chips should work on Mdk10.0 out of the box. I know my V3 did work.
General Discussions / Progress on TDFX driver...
23 November 2004, 12:48:39
Daniel, DRI part of Linux driver lacks a mantainer, so do you want to have these honor? And maybe you can implement in Linux: sofware rescaling and s3tc to NCC conversion, because with today computing power this could be a significant speed gain.
Daniel, it's posible to make a control panel for all these options (sw rescaling, FXT1 to NCC conversion, other options...). Maybe also in Windows, because V3 3000 with it's small VRAM need some of these features. I mean for change on-the-fly or after a reboot.

Athlon 1700+
256 MB
V3 3000 AGP
Mdk 10.0CE/BeOS 5.0/W 98SE
Hints By Advanced Users / sw shader
28 January 2004, 13:01:08
Can be implemented a sw shader in drivers? There is a project in progres at Sw shader library (0.3.0) implement vertex and pixel shaders version 2.
Hints By Advanced Users / HSR
21 January 2004, 16:37:09
I mean a route something like this: a pixel enter in the rendering pipeline, is rendered, after that is looping back on the begining of pipeline is rendered second time (second pass), and so on until is having 3 or 4 texture layers(depends of visual effect). Only now, after 3-4 passes is writen in frame buffer. I mean in the first pass is the basic texture, in the second one isthe light map or other texture.
Hints By Advanced Users / HSR
21 January 2004, 11:07:29
O.K. about HSR, but at least some object culling(in sw)? Also Voodoo can do some pixel looping in hw? It would be like texturing in multiple passes, but without reads/writes in to the memory.
Hints By Advanced Users / HSR
19 January 2004, 12:47:31
How can you improve HSR for Voodoo? Can be more stable and usable for both OpenGl and D3D? Also can you use gouraud shading for rendering far away surfaces? Far away surfaces can have lower quality of lighting.
General Discussions / serious sam+mesa
18 January 2004, 22:18:32
Problem solved for Serious Sam SE, but I don't now how. It just started with Mesa. Another problem with this game (random crashes) is solved. I presume is coming from using 16bits z-buffer, and not 8bits (8 for stencil ) in the old driver. I think it was a hack for my V3 3000.
General Discussions / serious sam+mesa
17 January 2004, 21:34:47
Sorry. I can't use Mesa for Serious Sam (also for SE), because is giving me an error about "Cannot set display mode". The problem seems to be the wrong texture format ARB=6. With the 3dfx ICD driver the texture format is ARB=2, but this driver don't suport multitexturing. It works fine in Quake III after I've changed color depth to 16bits.
General Discussions / Mesa+Serious Sam
16 January 2004, 21:26:09
Am instalat Mesa, Quake III merge O.K. dar Serious Sam (si SE) nu functioneaza. Nu pornesc si afiseaza "Cannot set display mode" (pare a fi o problema cu formatul texturilor). O problema similara am avut in Quake III, dar am rezolvat-o prin mici modificari in fisierul de tip .ini