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Messages - raffa

thank you guys :)
would be great if someone came up with vmod for the ram, though.
i have vsa that clock quite good but with the memory its a different story.
that was fast, thx koolsmoky!

tool is working fine on my 5500 :D
interesting topic!

this explains perfectly why a soft overclock doesnt show up in fillrate gain like expected, while a bios overclock does.

beta, i can't confirm the edit part of your message. i have the bios modded to 178 mhz, that gives me a multitexturing fillrate of 630 mTexels in 3dmark2000. i "underclocked" back to stock 166mhz with vcontrol and got 585 mTexels.
take this as 100% and do a quick calculation, voila 108% of clock gives 108% fillrate.
if i overclock via vcontrol up to 190mhz i get 635mTexels, same as with everything else higher or equal than 181mhz, maybe my bios settings are 181mhz, dont remember excactly.

a thought: why would they use an extra PLL for the secondary VSA100 and the other half of ram? i see no reason to do so.

edit: checked my bios, it clocks to 178,9mhz so i dont know why the fillrate improves till 181mhz [?]
its really easy to export the reg key,
anyway, i made the reg files you need.

hope they work, double klick and a "yes" should do it :)
you can even a assign a key-shortcut to these if you make a shortcut to them ;)

here they are:
is a reboot required (or something else) to get the change noticed?

if not, you could export the reg key to a file, once with a enabled value of "1" and once with zero and than just import the one you need. get the idea?

another way is to prog a little app that changes the value of the key, this way you could even assign shortcuts to it...
General Discussions / No mouse in MesaFX?
15 March 2004, 16:48:26
hello there, i have no mouse in cs1.6, too.
well, not exactly no mouse, only the cursor is not visible in the menus - the mouse itself is working fine though.

but i'm on a voodoo 5, could be different?
General Discussions / Pure3d on Windows XP
22 February 2004, 22:06:43
of course it says video in! ;)

its the input from the vga card for the pass-through.
"normal" v1 had a 9pol whateveritscalled connector, though
General Discussions / Pure3d on Windows XP
22 February 2004, 03:24:34
QuoteYou've never seen a MiroHiScore 3D : this other Voodoo 1 is exactly the same, like your CanopusPure3D

i have a HiScore3D, was on of the best v1 around.
but thats not vivo, its composite and svhs-out.

sorry, never tried a v1 with 2k or xp, so can't help here
General Discussions / MesaFX
17 February 2004, 20:15:36
thx kool

i had the latest patch for original il2, so i downloaded the latest demo (v2.0) and S3TC works fine! :)

General Discussions / MesaFX
17 February 2004, 19:58:17
"the s3tc texture compression routines are not within the MESA 3dfx release."
ok, thanks thats a clear statement. not too good, though

i dont see GxpOGL interceptor could work with mesa. yes it says:

"Started work on the GxpOGL ICD Interceptor to fix problems with the 3dfx ICD.
Currently it replaces the glTexImage2D function to fix issues with S3TC
textures. S3TC textures are now compressed using the Microsoft compressor and
are passed to the ICD as compressed textures."


"Changed much of how GxpOGL works. It will now only work with the 761 ICD.
Attempting to use it with other ICDs will cause nothing to be changed."

as i understand, S3TC precompressed textures work with mesa because support is included in glide but the compression algo for on the fly texture compression is missing cause of license issues, right?    


back to my il2 problems: the image corruption isnt a texure compression problem, looks more like some sort of blending or fogging issue, dont know excactly.
General Discussions / MesaFX
16 February 2004, 18:53:24
i have some probs with il2 sturmovik.
its running fine beside to things:

1. s3tc texture compression isnt working, game falls back to 16bit compression, dont know if this is supposed to be on the v5.
2. i get some visual errors, please take a look at my screenie in this topic:

i get some strange image probs in the distance, maybe some sort of fogging problem?

il2 1.2, ami 3.0 with MESAFX 0.51H TR, latest glide, 1024*768*32 2xFSSA

its ai5u, dont you know him from the x3dfxgamers board?
could you please post your game (and driver) settings?