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Topics - Wov4ine

I fired up my Diamond Monster Voodoo2 last night after finding this site.I thought all was dead years ago for 3DFX and Glide.I have quite
a few Glide games I would like play {Wing Commander Prophecy}..Anyhow
while messing with Unreal,the graphics are somewhat blocky.My screen
resolution will not exceed 640x480.I can slide it to 800x600 but it
falls back to a lower setting.Specs as follows: Athlon 2700 on Abit
NF7s motherboard.Win XP with 512 ram,Sony 19 in. monitor,ATI radeon
9700 pro Video card.Im using  Fastvoodo2 xp 4.0 gold.Sorry for the
long post,im new at this.Thank You