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3dfx Hardware & Software => General Discussions => Topic started by: corn on 31 January 2004, 23:55:22

Title: What mission does Hint chip has?
Post by: corn on 31 January 2004, 23:55:22
Hi everyone

I do not what mission has the hint chip. I think it is a brigde. Is true o false?


Title: What mission does Hint chip has?
Post by: qrazi on 01 February 2004, 12:21:01
Title: What mission does Hint chip has?
Post by: corn on 03 February 2004, 23:54:40

Is there anyone that teach more about hint chip?
Title: What mission does Hint chip has?
Post by: Rolo01 on 04 February 2004, 08:35:22
Some info can be found http://www.chip.tomsk.ru/chip/chipdoc.nsf/0/7cc6ef8237a7d5a9c7256b5600696274?OpenDocument
Basically the hint bridge is used to control and sync up to 4 PCI devices.
I have the old info sheet from Hint Corp. printed out at home, I can post it this evening...
Title: What mission does Hint chip has?
Post by: red_martians on 04 February 2004, 10:54:15
why isn't the chip on Voodoo5 5500???
Title: What mission does Hint chip has?
Post by: qrazi on 04 February 2004, 20:13:22
i think because the chips (=VSA100) use a master/slave configuration. so one chip (primary) is the master, and connected with the agp bus. the second is slave, and only connected to the first chip. this also explains why a agp bridge is needed, since else the v5 6k would have two master chips on 1 agp bus.
anyone correct me if im wrong here... :)