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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo4/5 Discussions => Topic started by: 3dfxdemex on 12 December 2007, 03:24:19

Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: 3dfxdemex on 12 December 2007, 03:24:19
It is possible to connect an AGP and a PCI voodoo cards in the same motherboard, in order to work together?
Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: ggab on 12 December 2007, 07:29:08
hola amigo!

no, you can't. (i guess you wanna try SLI modem but it is not a SLI conector)

Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: fantacyraider on 13 December 2007, 15:24:33
if a v5 and a second card v2 or v1,that matches and work fine,agp and pci work fine all alone.
Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: m14radu on 13 December 2007, 17:06:57
With the right drivers, it should be possible.
It's not impossible.
Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: SuperFurryFurryThing on 13 December 2007, 17:28:03
I m not sure what you mean by work together, if you are using a dual monitor setup under 2000/XP then you can have an AGP card driver one monitor and a PCI one drive the other monitor, that will work. The cards cannot both be used to driver a single monitor, you will not get an SLI style setup.

Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: mikepedo on 19 December 2007, 16:18:34

Hello sfft,
i'm doing some test about hsr feature on 3dfx 1.04.01 beta driver.
See follows links:


and my Voodoo5 6000 with HSR in action here:



What do you think about? ;)

Best regards, Michele.
Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: Xasd on 21 December 2007, 11:42:19
Wow :D these are good news

If HSR could be implemented into SFFT drivers, games can run at highter framerates. Quake 3 its a good example [:p]

Did you try another game in action?. If so, post some screenshots [8D]
Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: mikepedo on 21 December 2007, 18:31:44
I'm trying RTCW with HSR, but this game don't work correctly[:(]
Now i use my last setup driver for Win98, Mikepedo 1.1
Respect "3dfx reference driver" i have a bit lost performance with HSR enable, but less artefacts! Some maps in Quake3 Arena are perfects!!!
Title: voodoo 5 agp and pci together?
Post by: Vanne on 27 September 2008, 04:24:45
getting back onto topic, so you can use a V5 (agp) for your main card, and then say useing a V3 (evil king PCI) to drive your second monitor? will you need to install 2 drivers or will the main driver for the V5 also work with the V3 pci one?
