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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo3 and Velocity Setup and tweaking => Topic started by: oskare on 13 December 2003, 19:18:11

Title: Simultanious monitor and TVout using PAL
Post by: oskare on 13 December 2003, 19:18:11
-VooDoo3 3500TV using Win98SE-

I get this to work with my card set to NTSC, then a second checkbox* is shown asking me if I want dual or single output. there I select to use both monitor and TV and it works fine.

When in PAL the only checkbox is "TV-out" that works fine but only a single output to the , the monitor remains blank.

I belive I flashed my BIOS with a PAL version but nothing changed.


* The card does not show this checkbox in NTSC mode ?
To get the checkbox I had to set it to "NTSC" and select  "TV-out" then reboot the computer (have to work on the TV screen when doing this ofcourse) since the monitor would be blank.
Title: Simultanious monitor and TVout using PAL
Post by: Nightbird on 14 December 2003, 05:35:21
As said, don't create others topics for the same problem, this is now the third...
use the first :
Title: Simultanious monitor and TVout using PAL
Post by: amp_man on 14 December 2003, 16:25:27
I believe that this user's issue has already been solved here (http://www.voodoofiles.net/voodooboard/viewtopic.php?t=2200), although I may be mistaken.

EDIT: link fixed
Title: Simultanious monitor and TVout using PAL
Post by: Nightbird on 14 December 2003, 16:50:31
http:// www.newegg. com ??

and as said, not useful to create other topic(s) with other answer(s), one is sufficiant... [:p]
Title: Simultanious monitor and TVout using PAL
Post by: amp_man on 14 December 2003, 19:44:38
my greatest apologies, I will fix that...
Title: Simultanious monitor and TVout using PAL
Post by: Nightbird on 14 December 2003, 19:51:39
the problem isn't fixed "here" ...

and use the original topic linked above...